• Bendigo Orienteers would like to acknowledge and pay respects to the traditional owners, the Dja Dja Wurrung people, whose country we are on and extend our respect to their Elders, both past and present.

Next Event: Mt Korong, 21 September

Directions: From Inglewood travel West on Calder Hwy for 7 kilometres. Turn right into
Kurting-Boort Road. After 8.6 k turn left into Wedderburn-Serpentine Road. After 6k turn
right into Mt Korong Reserve and take the right option at the first road junction inside the
park. Follow the park road north and across the north of the park and south again to
assembly area – about 5 kilometres from gate.

Club Relays

2013 Winners photo 2013-09-14_144050.jpg

Winners this year are Raelee Enjees, Darren Enjees and Leon Keely

Leon and Toph had a battle early on, before Leon moved away for a comfortable win on the 6.7k longest course, Darren finished about midfield on the shorter 3.8k ‘hard’ course, after a tough last few controls with Sequola and Liam, while Raelee had to settle for 2nd place on the short ‘easier’ 2.9k leg, only being beaten by Paul, who normally runs the longest courses.

With such good individual results, this team was always going to be hard to beat

Leons Course Results | Darrens Course Results | Raelees Course Results | Novice Course Results

Place Team  Long             Medium           Moderate         Total
 1     3    Leon     35.26   Darren   43.03   Raelee   34.13   112.42
 2     5    Andrew C 55.33   John W   37.45   Paul L   24.55   118.13
 3    10    Toph     37.59   Sequola  43.02   Sally    45.35   126.36
 4     4    Rooey    46.44   Mark H   37.52   Jack     45.24   130.00
 5     2    Jim      46.08   Roch     35.42   Des      57.20   138.10
 6     7    Andrew W 62.16   Jenny    53.24   Sally    45.35   161.15
 7     6    Leisha   57.14   Liam     43.01   Solomon  79.55   180.10
 8     9    Nic      52.35   Bob L    77.55   Des      57.20   187.50
 .     8    Tavish   DNF     Judy     61.05   Jack     45.24   DNF
 .    11    Julie    82.52   Loraine  DNF     Solomon  79.55   DNF
 .     1    Simon    45.59   Jimmy    33.23   Amos     DNF     DNF

O-Lynx Touch and Results Display used for the 1st time

From TheInvisibleLog (Neil Barr)

A very different (and much improved) local event. Quite a contrast to my last SS event. On that day, I filled out a paper entry form, went to the start, was given a paper map and asked to draw my course. I finished and left before I saw results. Today – rocked up and entered by dipping the SI stick and point at my preferred course on a touch screen. Done. Was then handed a pre-printed PreTex map. After a third of the course I went past the assembly and had people yelling out how far ahead or behind I was. On finish I immediately saw my results on the big screen and watched Nigel’s performance out there and knew he had blown a control before he arrived back to give me a rare 4 second win.

Thanks to Toph and Leon. Leon designed courses that made the most of the now quite old map I made back in 1998. I enjoyed them. Toph set up the radio controls and big screen, and also secured the first Australian use of the beta O-Lynx entry system. Its really a table front end to OE. But it does what OE fails to do – provide a simple easy to follow interface.

Job well done boys!

PS You can see from the photos that some people found it impossible to drag themselves away from the real time result system.
Easy registration photo IMG_1209.jpg

 photo IMG_1212.jpg

 photo IMG_1215.jpg

 photo IMG_1217.jpg

Intruiging results photo IMG_1219.jpg

Back to Browns Reef

All the results are now available for Kooyoora from the results page. Please add your noodles to the Gadget

This week’s event is at Browns Reef, access from Rocky Rises Road, and set by Jack Wigney. Come along and support one of our newest and youngest course setters – he’s sure to challenge the old guard.

Kan you Kooyoora?

Well, it looks like the Noodle Award will have a new home this year. If it wasn’t the technical complexity of Cal Gully, it was the parallel gullies of Mosquito Creek. Had a clean run so far? If you are still looking for an opportunity to create an impressive Noodle of your own, then Mount Kooyoora may well be the place for you.

Travel to Inglewood, turn left towards Kooyoora State Park (just before the lights). Travel through Kingower towards Kooyoora State Park/Melville Caves. Continue 0.5km past the turn off to Melville Caves and take the right-hand turn signposted to Wedderburn. Travel 2.9km and turn right onto a gravel road. Travel 1.3km to the start/assembly area (signposted).

Mosquito Creek this Saturday

This be Noodle Country. Come and pit your wits against Derek and the vaguest terrain in Bendigo.

Directions from Bendigo: travel through Strathfieldsaye towards Lake Eppalock. Turn right at Axe Creek Church into Axe Creek Rd (O’sign). Travel 3.5km. Turn left into Patons Rd (O’sign). Travel 7 km to start, parking on the right side of road.

Welcome to your new website! Let us know what you think – leave a comment.
We will be bringing over content from the old website as time permits. In the meantime, you can still access it here.