• Bendigo Orienteers would like to acknowledge and pay respects to the traditional owners, the Dja Dja Wurrung people, whose country we are on and extend our respect to their Elders, both past and present.

Issue 03/15

The weekly e-newsletter of

Bendigo Orienteers Inc.

03/15. Wednesday 4 February, 2015

Contact (for this publication): Peter J. Creely: luddcreely@impulse.net.au (Ph. 5443 1975)

Web site: www.bendigo-orienteers.com.au

If you wish to unsubscribe from this bulletin, please click the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of this email. If you would like this Bulletin to be emailed directly to you, please email bendigo.orienteers@gmail.com.

Chicken and Champagne. A superb morning for running in the bush, a bit cool at times but otherwise perfect! We had about 38 starters front up and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves – lots of JSquad people, well done for getting up early. The course of thirty controls was set by Chris Creely who had just finished remapping the area. It was really great to see Darren Eenjes back out in the bush after a long absence – there’s a whisper around that he’s still in the ‘walking’ stage of his comeback as yet – how long he can put up with this will become evident in time! I noticed some of the Cherry family at our event also but when I picked up the local daily on Tuesday I found photos of Katina and her Mum prominent in one of the gallery pages at another event.

The AGM was held after everyone had a bit of Fowl and Fizz and resulted in:

President: Richard Goonan
Secretary: Terry Davidson (there will be a separate minutes secretary)
Treasurer: Andrew Wallace
Vice President: Jim Russell (this is for 1 year only, new VP needed next year)

A motion was passed allowing the executive to co-opt committee members as required.

I would like to congratulate Jim and the outgoing members of the Executive for their work for the club over the past few years, and wish them well in their orienteering in the future. We are the best orienteering club in Victoria (in my modest view) – Australia for that matter. If you are a member be aware that Bendigo Orienteers is your club and the Executive need you to put forward any thoughts you may have that will help us prosper even more.

Coming Events.

Bendigo ToDay 14 and 15 February. Full details can be found on Eventor and our Team App. I will also put details in next weeks Bulletin.

Next Bulletin 11 February 2015

Issue 02/15

The weekly e-newsletter of

Bendigo Orienteers Inc.

Issue 02/15. Wednesday 28 January, 2015

Contact (for this publication): Peter J. Creely: luddcreely@impulse.net.au (Ph. 5443 1975)

Web site: www.bendigo-orienteers.com.au

If you wish to unsubscribe from this bulletin, please click the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of this email. If you would like this Bulletin to be emailed directly to you, please email bendigo.orienteers@gmail.com

Please help us out with the Rock-hopper points Get back to us at the AGM, or by return email

Fowl and Fizz – please note the details for the Fowl and Fizz in ‘Coming Events’ below. Arguably the most important event in our calendar, it will serve as a season opener for everyone – not to mention the Annual Meeting that will follow. It is your club – you should be part of it! (Don’t forget to bring a chair).

Bendigo ToDay 14 and 15 February. After the F&F we will have the Bendigo ToDay. Full details will be in the next couple of Bulletins.

Marking tape for courses setters. If anyone setting courses for 2015 needs coloured tape to mark control sites I have some rolls here. Please contact me if you need some. PeterC

2015 AGM (see Fowl and Fizz information further down).

This will be on the 1st Feb with the season opening Chicken and Champagne, information on Eventor.
Notice of Meeting, and last year’s Minutes should have been sent to you

2015 Memberships are due. Please renew your membership on Eventor

Coming events.

Sunday 1 February. Fowl and Fizz plus the Club’s Annual General Meeting
Map: Diamond Hill.

Terrain: Diamond Hill is old gold mining and the map has recently been updated. It is complex and I would suggest that even the ‘heavies’ will be challenged to visit all the controls in the hour.
Start: 7.30 am sharp mass start.
Entry: Enter on the day
Event format: 1 hour Score.

Directions: From the intersection of High St. (Calder H’way) and Oak St/McKenzie St. West, travel east along Oak St., after 300m cross the railway line & immediately turn right into Allingham St. Travel 1.3km and turn left into Ham St, then travel 0.7km and turn left into Coonooer St. (signed). Drive 350m to the assembly area. Alternate: From the Strathdale (east) side of Bendigo you can take Hattam Street towards Golden Square/Kangaroo Flat. Immediately before the railway crossing turn left into Allingham Street then as above. There is a shorter way again from Hattam Street but you can check this out yourself. From Castlemaine: travel to Bendigo on the Calder; continue through Kangaroo Flat shopping centre towards Golden Square and look for the Oak Street intersection, then as above. (If you reach Golden Square you’ve overshot).

Notes: The event is a one hour score event (don’t forget your watch), the map scale is 1:7500. This event will be held even if a total fire ban is declared. There are several road crossings on the course, though hopefully not too much early traffic, but take care! There are no easy navigation controls hence the event is not suitable for beginners.

Bring a chair. It is recommended that you wear arm and leg cover and bring insect repellant (the mossies are pretty bad!)

Remember that if you are too late back you’ll probably miss out on the eats! It is recommended that you wear arm and leg cover and bring insect repellant (the mossies are pretty bad!)

Next Bulletin 4 February 2015

Issue 01/15

The weekly e-newsletter of

Bendigo Orienteers Inc.

Issue 01/15, 21 January, 2015

Contact (for this publication): Peter J. Creely: luddcreely@impulse.net.au (Ph. 5443 1975)

Web site: www.bendigo-orienteers.com.au

If you wish to unsubscribe from this bulletin, please click the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of this email. If you would like this Bulletin to be emailed directly to you, please email bendigo.orienteers@gmail.com

Welcome to 2015 — we start another year! May this year be a good one for you in our sport.

Congratulations to our Bendigo Oceania Champion in Tasmania:

Sprint Distance, M10 Lachlan Feuerherdt
Middle Distance, M10 Lachlan Feuerherdt

Well done Lachlan, a wonderful double – you are a credit to Bendigo Orienteers.

January Club Meeting

On the 27th Jan, there will be a Club Meeting at the LUBAC in Retreat Road, starting at 7:30 pm. The main items on the agenda will be the 2015 Calendar, and discussion re fees for the coming year. We can’t set them at this meeting, but can take a recommendation forward to the AGM on the 1st Feb.

2015 AGM (see Fowl and Fizz information further down).

This will be on the 1st Feb with the season opening Chicken and Champagne, information on Eventor.
Notice of Meeting, and last year’s Minutes should have been sent to you

2015 Memberships are due. Please renew your membership on Eventor

Coming events.

Sunday 1 February. Fowl and Fizz plus the Club’s Annual General Meeting
Diamond Hill.

Terrain: Diamond Hill is old gold mining and the map has recently been updated. It is complex and I would suggest that even the ‘heavies’ will be challenged to visit all the controls in the hour.
Start: 7.30 am sharp mass start.
Entry: Enter on the day
Event format: 1 hour Score.

Directions: From the intersection of High St. (Calder H’way) and Oak St/McKenzie St. West, travel east along Oak St., after 300m cross the railway line & immediately turn right into Allingham St. Travel 1.3km and turn left into Ham St, then travel 0.7km and turn left into Coonooer St. (signed). Drive 350m to the assembly area. Alternate: From the Strathdale (east) side of Bendigo you can take Hattam Street towards Golden Square/Kangaroo Flat. Immediately before the railway crossing turn left into Allingham Street then as above. There is a shorter way again from Hattam Street but you can check this out yourself. From Castlemaine: travel to Bendigo on the Calder; continue through Kangaroo Flat shopping centre towards Golden Square and look for the Oak Street intersection, then as above. (If you reach Golden Square you’ve overshot).

Notes: The event is a one hour score event (don’t forget your watch), the map scale is 1:7500. This event will be held even if a total fire ban is declared. There are several road crossings on the course, though hopefully not too much early traffic, but take care! There are no easy navigation controls hence the event is not suitable for beginners.

Bring: a chair. It is recommended that you wear arm and leg cover and bring insect repellant (the mossies are pretty bad!)

Remember that if you are too late back you’ll probably miss out on the eats! It is recommended that you wear arm and leg cover and bring insect repellant (the mossies are pretty bad!)

 Next Bulletin 28 January 2015


Start of New Year

2015 is now upon us, and so are the next round of Meetings

January Club Meeting

On the 27th Jan, there will be a Club Meeting at the Aths Track, starting at 1930 (7:30).
Main items on the agenda are the the 2015 Calendar, and discussion re fees for the coming year.
We cant set them at this meeting, but can take a recommendation forward to the AGM on the 1st Feb

2015 AGM

This will be on the 1st Feb with the season opening Chicken and Champagne, information on Eventor.
Notice of Meeting, and last years Minutes will be emailed to all members

2015 Membership are due

Already, in 2015, we welcome back pass members, Matt Schepisi, and Judy & Peter Hill. Also new members, Tony & Alison Radford

Please renew your membership on Eventor

And finally

Good to see one of our Club members, helping out another sporting event with a photo shoot.

Wonder if there was a fee involved

Jim Russell


Warm up for Tassie results

Day 1, Green Gully, Results, Splits, by Class, by Course

Day 2, Mt Beckworth, Results, Splits, by Class, by Course

Day 3, Mt Tarrengower, Results, Splits, by Class, by Course

Overall Results

Please note that because of a misplaced control on day 2, which affected the men on course 1 only, we have posting revised results which exclude the leg leading in to the misplaced control, and the leg leading out of the misplaced control. This control was relocated to its correct position before the women on course 1 were affected and hence no alteration to the women’s results will be required.

Merry Christmas

The year is nearly over, and the New Year isn’t that far away, so while we enjoy the end of the year – and another Orienteering season – I want you to help Peter Galvin out, he is organising the Rockhopper points for the club.

The claim form is on the VOA website, and can be found here Please go to page 3, and send any relevant claims to Peter at pmg41@bigpond.com

While we are recovering from the last years Orienteering, we are also getting ready for next year, both in planning events, and getting fit to do the best we can. The calendar is here Please take some time to see what event you are going to help out at.

On the fitness side of things, you may want to work on your core. Here is a Video showing you the benefits of core strength and orienteering, thanks to Andrew Cameron of N8 Health

And another video about base core strengthening exercises for Orienteering

See you all in the New Year

Bendigo Orienteers

Jim’s Golden Leg Goes Global!

The Golden Leg award was last week awarded to Jim for his 47th control at the Kooyoora ultra-long event earlier this year. Makes me glad I’m not an M21!

World of O picked up the story (aided, perhaps, by a little birdie bardie), and did an analysis on it. Read the full article here: http://news.worldofo.com/2014/12/15/route-to-christmas-day-15-2014/.


Issue 44/14

The weekly e-newsletter of

Bendigo Orienteers Inc.

Special 10 December, 2014

Contact (for this publication): Peter J. Creely: luddcreely@impulse.net.au (Ph. 5443 1975)

Web site: www.bendigo-orienteers.com.au

If you wish to unsubscribe from this bulletin, please click the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of this email. If you would like this Bulletin to be emailed directly to you, please email bendigo.orienteers@gmail.com.

Warm Up for Tassie Enter HERE

They say that not enough sunlight in winter can cause a shortage of vitamin D and lead to depression ….

But it’s certain is that not enough orienteering in summer leads to depression!

We’re going to help you through those long bleak orienteering-free summer days. Whether you are heading to the World Cup carnival in Tasmania or not, make sure that you come to the Warm-Up for Tassie events. All the pleasure of orienteering in the bush, served up in chunks that won’t melt you down if it’s hot.

Evening 26th December Green Gully gold mining sprint

Morning 27th December Mt Beckworth granite middle distance

Morning 28th December Mt Tarrengower granite middle distance


SHOES for sale, contact Ben Goonan bengoonan at hotmail dot com

I recently purchased a pair of the new standard fit Inov-8 X-Talon 212’s (the shoe of champions) that are just a bit too small. If you would like them they are for sale (unused). They are size 8.5 (UK) and $125.00 (no delivery fee). If you are interested please contact me asap via email to make arrangements.

Follow these links to find out all the tech specifications and see sizing guide

“The most popular off road shoe in the inov-8 range and the winner of more world championships than any other off roader, the 212 continues to deliver!”

Issue 43/14

The weekly e-newsletter of
Bendigo Orienteers Inc.
Issue 43/14: 3 December, 2014
Contact (for this publication): Bendigo Orienteers: bendigo.orienteers@gmail.com
Web site: www.bendigo-orienteers.com.au

If you wish to unsubscribe from this bulletin, please click the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of this email. If you would like this Bulletin to be emailed directly to you, please email bendigo.orienteers@gmail.com

Bendigo presentations day are this weekend, Sunday the 7th December at the Axedale Golf Course

What is on? The day will start at midday, with a 1 hr score event, (12 – 1) with a twist. The Golf course will be closed to golfers for this hour, so its important that you get there in time, as we cant run late. You may also need to turn up early, to work out the best way for you to get the 20 controls that are on offer, because if you get them in the right order, you will be awarded with a higher score. Enough said, find more out on the day 😉

Then it will be time to have something to eat. Please bring salads and drinks (non-alcoholic) to share, the club will be providing the BBQ and sausages, as well as bread.

To make it easier for us to cater, can you please indicate on Eventor if you are coming

After lunch has been done, we will end up with presentations.

One of the presentations we do is the ‘golden leg’ This is the leg that challenged the best of us, or had the best variations of route choice, or for whatever other reason you were challenged by it. If you have a ‘leg’ that you believe fits this category, please get back to us by return email, with the date, course and leg you want to nominate. The judges will then decide from the nominations, the reciprocate of this years ‘Golden Leg’

After this is all over, you may want to have a round of Golf. Green Fees are $15 for 9 holes and each person will be required to have their own set of Golf clubs

Next Bulletin in the New Year

Issue 42/14

The weekly e-newsletter of

Bendigo Orienteers Inc.

Issue 42/14: 19 November, 2014

Contact (for this publication): Peter J. Creely: luddcreely@impulse.net.au (Ph. 5443 1975)

Web site: www.bendigo-orienteers.com.au

If you wish to unsubscribe from this bulletin, please click the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of this email. If you would like this Bulletin to be emailed directly to you, please email bendigo.orienteers@gmail.com

Three Hour Twilight. Results and Write up are on the Website

Coming events. Saturday Nov 22th.

Night Orienteering “Champs”. Nillumbik Emus OC (See important note below)

Area: Mia Mia
Start: 9 00 pm mass start.
Entry: Pre entry on Eventor
Event format: 3 hours or 90 minutes.

Come early and bring your BBQ (subject to fire restrictions)

Overnight camping is available in the assembly area.

Control cards will be used for manual punching – bring a card holder.
Bring a torch or headlight if you intend to go into the dark.

Free soup and refreshments at finish.

Sunday 23 November: 2 hour “Morning After”

Start: Two mass starts at 9.00 am and 11.30 am.

To enter one or both events either use Eventor, contact the organiser or enter on the day.

Entries are due by Wednesday 19 November.

Organiser: Ron Frederick. Ph. 0418 994 841; e-mail: ronfrederick29@icloud.com
Directions: From Castlemaine take B180 towards Maryborough and Newstead. 2 kms after passing through Green Gully and approx. I km before Newstead turn right (north) onto Mia Mia Road and follow O signs north to assembly area.

Note: As indicated in the OV Bulletin this morning: The organisers are considering cancelling this event and also the Sunday morning due to lack of entries. If you haven’t entered and intend to do so,then either immediately enter via Eventor or email Ron (ronfrederick29@iclould.com) or tel 0418994841 before midnight on Wed 19/11

Next Bulletin 26 November