• Bendigo Orienteers would like to acknowledge and pay respects to the traditional owners, the Dja Dja Wurrung people, whose country we are on and extend our respect to their Elders, both past and present.

2025 Fixture

The club took a new approach to organising the event fixture for 2025. For the first time we sent out a survey of members asking about the shape of the fixture and gauging the extent of volunteer support. Major findings from the survey were:

  • – Half of members expressed a desire for some regularity in the fixture, with half wanting events every second week or every week.
  • – The other half supported keeping events on weekends when there was no other bush event within reasonable distance of Bendigo.
  • – I counted about 16 plausible offers to organise an event in 2025. This is approximately one event every two weeks.

In an ideal world we would run an event every second week and avoid conflicts with other events on the same weekend. We don’t live in an ideal world. Other orienteering clubs don’t organise their fixture on a regular cycle, preferring to clump events in Spring and Autumn and avoid winter. This year the Bendigo fixture had a plethora of events in winter and some multi week gaps in Autumn and Spring. Given the desire from members for a reasonably regular fixture, it is clear that some Bendigo Saturday events will share the weekend with other bush navigation events. Which events to double up on? I counted the attendance of Bendigo members at various bush events in 2024. A simple summary is-

  • – Bendigo Bush 30 members
  • – State events in Central Victoria 20 members
  • – Ballarat local events and state events 10 members
  • – Rogaines in Central Victoria 5 members

These numbers indicate priority should go to orienteering events between Bendigo and Daylesford.

Building the fixture became a process of compromising between many objectives:

  • – Having a regular pattern of local Bendigo events without gaps longer than 1 empty Saturday.
  • – Trying to avoid events on the same weekend as State bush events in central Victoria (and to a lesser extent Ballarat events and rogaines).
  • – Keeping the event load low before and immediately after the Easter orienteering carnival based at Inglewood.
  • – Matching the event load with the available volunteers and the map and date preferences of those volunteers.
  • – Using viable maps that were not used in 2024.

The draft fixture is here:


I have placed volunteer names against maps as my best attempt to match with preferences expressed in the survey. If these do not suit, please comment on the fixture page or send an email to the address below alternate suggestions. There are some spare slots as not every survey response had a name attached. Feel free to indicate an interest in running one of these events.

The plan is to finalise the fixture mid October and start applying for permits. I know this seems early, but the permit process can be slow and nothing much happens after mid-December in the permit office.



Kooyoora O event

A nice sunny day greeted us in the north end of the Kooyoora forest on 7th September.

The courses were set by Daryl Fleay who used a variety of granite and bush features in his zigzag courses. A feature was the bright yellow wattle that was prominent in all areas used.

Around 50 competitors took part. Granite areas such as this are one of the hardest areas in which to navigate partly because there are so many boulders, fallen trees and thick bushes that make visibility ahead limited.

Course 1 was won by Ben Goonan with Richard Goonan second. Bruce Arthur won course 2 and Alex Tarr course 3. Course 4 was won by Susan Water with Jenny Ball second. John Wilkinson was first in course 5 followed by Fiona Connor second. Well done to everyone, and a big thank you to Neil Barr and Julie Flynn who manned the assembly area on the day and to those who helped pack up.

Photo by Jenny Ball.

Sedgwick North Bush O event 11th May

A cool but fine day saw about 70 entries for this event set by Ted Van Geldermalsen.

The area used was in the north end of the Sedgwick forest. Ted set some very interesting courses – the harder courses involved a long leg that had competitors choosing different routes.

  • Course 1 was won by Bruce Arthur followed by his son Torren, with David Brownridge 4th – being the best from our Bendigo club.
  • Course 2 was won by Sophie Taverna, followed by Shayne Hill.
  • Isobel Byrne won course 3 with her mother Jacqui close behind.
  • Xavier Ough won course 4 with John Wilkinson 2nd and Akira Hill 3rd.
  • Course 5 saw Kim and Jemma Carter 1st, with Bendigo’s Mary Holland 5th, Roger De La Rosa 7th.

Thanks you to those who helped collect controls, and to Ted, for course setting/organizing.

2022 Awards

Dear members,
We had just over 20 people attended the club break-up held at The National Hotel on Thursday evening, November 17. It was good to all be in one place for a social gathering.
Aside from a good meal and conversation, a number of awards were announced. Trophies will be engraved and formally presented at the Fowl & Fizz event (further info below).

Vera Shelton Award

Vera Shelton was a club stalwart who died on One Tree Hill whilst orienteering in 1994.

This is a perpetual award determined by the club president acknowledging a club member who has gone “above and beyond” in helping the functioning of the club during the year.

This year, as orienteering in Bendigo returned to running a full program of events, many people have stepped up to get everything back and running smoothly. Of course this award could be presented to so many within the club.

There has been one notable person who, despite on-going injury, has been at most events assisting set-up, pack-up, bring in a few controls and lend friendly assistance to the increasing number of newcomers we’ve attracted through Facebook. This person has also been an integral member of the committee, offering considered opinions in the best interests of the club.

The Vera Shelton trophy was awarded to John Wilkinson.

Club Champions

Open Mens: Ben Goonan

Open Womens: Nil

Mens B: Neil Barr

Womens B: Julie Flynn

Junior Men: Charlie Wilkin

Junior Women: Lana Telford

Sub-junior boys: Leon Slater

Sub-junior girls: Bridget Slater


Noodle Award
This is presented to the club member who made the biggest mess navigating a leg during the year. This year the award was presented to Wendy Taverna (who was announced as an honorary club member) for her effort on the new Mt Egbert map from Neil Barr. It was truly a world class example of close but not close enough.
Best leg award
This is presented to the course setter who created the best course leg. Typically this is judged by the variations of routes taken by competitors. This was a close battle and awarded to Lorraine Leversha and Nola Juniper for their course at Kalimna Park.
Thank you
The Bendigo Orienteers committee want to thank you for being a member of the club in 2022 and participating in events. A special thank you to all those people who assisted event organisers pack up after events – it’s one small task which is truly appreciated by the organiser who has probably been out all morning setting everything up so participants can enjoy themselves.
Fowl & Fizz event & AGM
A quick heads-up that the first club event of 2023 will be the Peter Creely memorial Fowl & Fizz on Sunday 5 February. This is a free score event with a chicken and champagne breakfast to follow. The club AGM will also take place. We will circulate more information in the new year, but get it in your calendars now!
The AGM is always an important meeting but next year will see plenty of change in the committee. After 3 years as President Craig Feuerherdt is stepping down. The position of Treasurer is also vacant. The committee roles aren’t arduous but it is essential they are filled. If you are considering putting up your hand, take a look at the Club Responsibilities document and have a chat with an existing committee member.
Enjoy a few months off before we start all over again in February 2023!


Craig Feuerherdt
President, Bendigo Orienteers

Vale Peter Creely

It is with deep sadness that we learned of Peter Creely’s passing at 3pm Friday 3 December.

Peter was a stalwart of Bendigo Orienteers. I knew Peter since joining the club in the early 2000’s and fondly remember his enthusiasm for our sport and friendly, welcoming personality.

There is nothing Peter wouldn’t raise his hand to help with. His one true passion was Space Racing which he developed, implemented and reiterated over several years. The Space Racing program resulted in a “golden era” for our club with the Victorian junior team being almost solely comprised of Bendigo club members for several years.

His contribution to our club will never be forgotten.

On behalf of the club I extend our deepest sympathies to Peter’s family. I’d encourage you all to reach out to other club members to offer support and reminisce about Peter’s many significant contributions to the club.


Bendigo Bush events 2021

Course setters required
See the events that still require a course setter: http://bendigo-orienteers.com.au/wordpress/fixture/

Please email secretary@bendigo-orienteers.com.au  if you would like to be a course setter.


Covid requirements
QR code scanning.
From April 17 everyone attending must check-in using the QR code provided at the event. This is a Victorian Government requirement – please bring your phone to the table to scan the QR code before you run. (Internet coverage permitting)


Pre-entry in 2021
All events will be set up on Eventor for pre-entry in 2021. All members are asked to pre-enter events to reduce the burden on the course setter on the event day. The pre-entry deadline will be 6pm Friday.
Enter on the day will be available for newcomers.

From June 19 Enter on the day cost: $20. Pre-entry cost: $10.


Vale Viv McMillan

It was with great sadness that we learned of the death of Viv on December 13. Viv took part in many local events over the years and was a keen rogainer with daughter Katherine. Our thoughts and prayers are with Viv’s family.

Photo: Don Cherry

Viv and Katherine negotiating a punch control at the Retro 40th Anniversary event, Wildflower Drive, 2017

Pilchers Bridge South

Cool overcast conditions greeted 53 participants at today’s event organised by Bendigo Orienteers. Pilchers Bridge provides subtle spur/gully orienteering and after the recent rain, it was a pleasure to run through.

The seasoned Peter and Diane Searle were today’s organisers and made use of the terrain subtleties on the longer courses. A pace of 4:16min/km saw Patrick Jaffe take the win with Matthew Schepisi 8:54 minutes behind closely followed by Craig Feuerherdt a further 21 seconds back.

Course 2 saw 25 starters. The 5.4km course was won by Christopher Naunton in a time of 35:06. Some good competition in this course always means plenty of rivalry among participants and excellent discussions after the running has been done.

Participants on course 3 were appreciative of the course and terrain. A Goldilocks course for those in the older age groups with no erosion gullies to climb through and no steep climbs. On course for the Slater family took the win for the slowest time, however, I think they ended up the wettest and muddiest and ultimately had the most fun today.

Fundamentally we should all be driven by the fun and enjoyment of orienteering. Things go wrong. We make mistakes. But in the end, we are privileged to be out, especially in these times.

Results are available on Eventor and you can relive the event via Livelox.
Results have also been loaded onto Winsplits.

Craig Feuerherdt
President, Bendigo Orienteers
0438 050 074

MapRun your Orienteering Fix

Bendigo Orienteers now has access to some local Park Street Challenge maps, courtesy of Jimmy Cameron (thanks Jimmy!). These can be used in conjunction with the MapRunF app on your smartphone as a suggested exercise activity, while formal orienteering events are not being organised during this period.

There is an instruction sheet about the application and its use. Please read and follow this before you go any further.

We also recommended that you print a paper copy of the map, as a phone screen is hard to read when outside during daylight.

Maps archive: (handy hint: right-click PDF file and open in new tab)