• Bendigo Orienteers would like to acknowledge and pay respects to the traditional owners, the Dja Dja Wurrung people, whose country we are on and extend our respect to their Elders, both past and present.

Issue 27/14

The weekly e-newsletter of

Bendigo Orienteers Inc.

Issue 27/14: 23 July, 2014

Contact (for this publication): Peter J. Creely: luddcreely@impulse.net.au (Ph. 5443 1975)

Web site: www.bendigo-orienteers.com.au

If you wish to unsubscribe from this bulletin, please click the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of this email. If you would like this Bulletin to be emailed directly to you, please email bendigo.orienteers@gmail.com

Space Racing. The formal presentation of trophy and medals to the winners of the 2014 Space Racing series was made last Monday to the team from Castlemaine North Primary School, at the school assembly. Four representatives of the Bendigo JSquad, looking like the elite athletes that are, accompanied me and helped in the ‘ceremony’. I would hope that these people served as an example to the children assembled that there is a future in the sport of orienteering, it is not just a recreational sport for little kids and oldies.

Space Racing is a really great point of entry to orienteering – and it works! I would hope that this is seen as important in any future decisions made by the club.

Congratulations to the Castlemaine North team: Isobel Byrne (already competing in Bush Orienteering), Abi Brockett and Maybel Krasner.

Thank you to my support group: Jack Wigney, Leisha Maggs, Michael Loughnan and Tavish Eenjes – I really enjoyed spending time with you, you are a credit to your families, to your club and to the sport.

Map Walk. As a follow up to our first Space Racing series for 2014, we had a successful map walk at Castlemaine last Saturday. The Kalimna Park map hosted a short, exploratory wander for about sixteen people, eight (I think) of whom were children. We followed Course 5 that was set for the Bush Classic event there some weeks ago (without the markers). It was an interesting exercise, made more so by several tracks that have appeared since the area was originally mapped – this was a good illustration of the fact that in orienteering we cannot assume that the orienteering map shows everything that is actually on the ground. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves – the next map walk is planned for Saturday 2 August – confirmation and details later.

Mt. Korong. Full report and results on the web site

Preview of forthcoming attractions

Love orienteering – take this challenge! – Bendigo Night Champs 2nd of August.

If you love orienteering then there is no better place to test out your skills than at night. That is why Bendigo is putting on the Bendigo Night Champs this year. This race will be something special and you do not want to miss it!! The terrain will be spectacular at Sedgwick, the course’s will not disappoint and the atmosphere of the event around some camp fires will make you want to stay out all night!

More details and Pre-entry on Eventor.  Also don’t forget to check out the Facebook event.

Coming Events.

Saturday 26 July. Bush Classic 12.

Map: Brownridge’s Reef.

Organiser: Charles Brownridge

Course Setter: Clare Brownridge

Start: 12.30 pm to 2.00 pm

Comment: Classic spur/gully with a good track network. This is a good map and good course setting will make it a suitable event for those relatively new to orienteering to try a harder course. This also applies to JSquad people!

Courses: Courses 1, 2 and 3 difficult navigation, 4 moderate navigation and 5, easy.

Free entry! Special Entry. For this event we are trying a new idea. There will be a FREE entry given to everyone who arrives at the event by bike. It’s not too far from town so why not give it a go?

Directions:From Bendigo turn right (towards Maryborough) at the Aldi traffic lights in Kangaroo Flat. After 500metres, turn right into Olympic Parade at the roundabout. After a further 500 metres turn left into Collins St. After the factories this becomes gravel. Continue on for about 3 km to the assembly area. From the south, turn left at the traffic lights at Aldi in Kangaroo Flat, then as above. Entry fee: $8 Adult, $4 Junior, enter on day.

Next Bulletin 30 July

Glorious midwinter conditions

Glorious midwinter conditions welcomed orienteers to Mt Korong for the second event in the Bendigo Rocks series. Competitors were rewarded for their trip out to Korong with excellent run-ability through the spectacular rocky landscape, and technical courses crafted by course setter Richard Goonan to test a variety of navigation skills. Appearances can be deceptive, despite the small size of the map, courses offered good length, direction changes, route choice, a variety of leg lengths, and a full swag of controls to find.

Mapping of granite terrains often stimulates vigorous discussion about control placement and map interpretation and Mt Korong didn’t disappoint! As competitors finished their courses the enjoyment of their run was heightened by recounting the day’s experiences out on course among the friendly atmosphere and warm afternoon sunshine.

Orienteers were also treated to a special environmental interpretation table prepared by event organiser Ben Goonan, the ecological significance of the landscape was highlighted, and in particular the sensitive moss matts that are endemic to granite landscapes were noted, including the need to avoid disturbing these areas. Rock pools are also found in the area and were identified for their special aquatic life and indigenous heritage.

Out on course five, youngsters had all the running with Melbourne based junior Torren Arthur (MFRV) coming in ahead of local club members Charlotte Wigney (BGV), and brother Thomas Wigney (BGV), with a relative new comer to Australian orienteering Magnus Fossum (BKV) also completing the course. Course four again saw the younger runners doing well with Mason Arthur (MFRV) wining from local club juniors Jack Wigney (BGV) and Karrina Cherry (BGV). Our apologies to course four competitors for an unfortunate mix up on their first control.

On the hard short course three (3.2km), Bendigo Orienteering club members held out against a strong field of regional orienteers with young Jimmy Cameron again showing talent to win ahead of Daryl Fleay and Charles Brownridge. The challenging navigation required concentration and technique ahead of running speed but the younger legs still won the day. Other standout performances included local juniors Ruben and Henry Cameron and Zac McDonald who also completed a harder than usual course three in unfamiliar terrain.

The hard medium distance course two (5.3km), provided some strong competition between placegetters with local club members again doing well. Louis Cameron held on to win over Nigel McGuckian and John Wilkinson, with Andrew Cameron finishing ahead of Rock Prendergast (EUV). Young competitors Tavish Eenjes (BGV), Evan Fossum (BKV), Michael Loughnan (BGV), and Lisha Maggs (BGV) also showed excellent results to complete the difficult course and claim some good leg split times from the top placegetters.

Course one provided competitors a relatively long (9.4km) and technically challenging course with strong competition between placegetters. Laurina Newman (BGV) was the top women’s placegetter ahead of Clare Brownride (BGV) and Jenny Casonova (Sth Aus), with all showing consistent form across the difficult course. After a careful start, consistency also rewarded Norwegian orienteer Jim Nybraten (IL Tyrving) coming in first ahead of good runs by local Bryan Keely (BGV) and experienced regional orienteer Bruce Arthur (MFRV). Local club member Craig Feuerherdt also ran consistently throughout the course to be just off the main pace. The weekend’s event provided course one runner’s preparation for the upcoming Victorian championship and Ultralong National Orienteering League event at nearby Mount Kooyoora.

Thank you to all competitors for their attendance. Results and splits are on our Results page

Richard Goonan

Issue 26/14

The weekly e-newsletter of

Bendigo Orienteers Inc.

Issue 26/14: 16 July, 2014

Contact (for this publication): Peter J. Creely: luddcreely@impulse.net.au (Ph. 5443 1975)

Web site: www.bendigo-orienteers.com.au

If you wish to unsubscribe from this bulletin, please click the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of this email. If you would like this Bulletin to be emailed directly to you, please email bendigo.orienteers@gmail.com

Mandurang. Details on the website.

Map Walk. There will be a map walk at Castlemaine next Saturday 19 July The exercise is aimed primarily at young people who competed in the last Space Racing series but everyone will be welcome. We will walk Course 5 (about 2 kms) from the last event at Kalimna Park and look at how the rocks, tracks and stuff on the ground is shown on the map; I have enlarged the map so that it will be easier to work out. It should only take about an hour or so and it will be a gentle walk! The only weather conditions that will prevent the walk will be thunder and lightning – wear clothes suitable for the weather and comfy walking shoes. Assemble at 10.00 am for a start a bit later.

Directions: From the centre of Castlemaine travel towards Bendigo. Turn right into Myring Street (if you come to the railway bridge you have gone too far) and follow it and Lawson Parade, past the Secondary College just into the forest; the start will be indicated by our Space Racing sign. If you are coming from Bendigo come into Castlemaine under the railway bridge and look for Myring Street a bit further along on the left, then as above.

Preview of forthcoming attractions

Love orienteering – take this challenge! – Bendigo Night Champs 2nd of August.

If you love orienteering then there is no better place to test out your skills than at night. That is why Bendigo is putting on the Bendigo Night Champs this year. This race will be something special and you do not want to miss it!! The terrain will be spectacular at Sedgwick, the course’s will not disappoint and the atmosphere of the event around some camp fires will make you want to stay out all night!

More details and Pre-entry on Eventor.  Also don’t forget to check out the Facebook event.

Bendigo Rocks 2 – Mt Korong: Saturday 19th July

Come and enjoy the challenge of complex granite terrain with areas of fast open running (or walking) and courses that will provide maximum value. This event will be a great chance to test your technical navigation skills before the upcoming Victorian Championships.

Please enter and pay via Eventor to guarantee your pre-printed map. Enter on the day is also available but pre-printed map not guaranteed.

Pre-entry closes Wednesday 16th at 11:59pm TONIGHT – So go online and enter now!

The BOM weather forecast is for cool but clear conditions – perfect for orienteering.

Courses available:

Hard technical navigation – 1 (9km, 28 controls), 2 (5km 18 controls) and 3 (3km, 15 controls)

Medium and Easy navigation – 4 (3km, 15 controls) and 5 (2km, 15 controls)

Additional information: Ben Goonan bengoonan@hotmail.com.au

Entry fee: $8 Adults and $4 Juniors, enter on day.

Directions: From Bendigo Travel to Inglewood. From Inglewood take the Calder Hwy (A79) 7km and turn right onto Kurting-Boort Rd. Travel for 8km and turn left onto Wedderburn-Serpentine Rd. Travel for 6km and turn right (O-sign) at the entrance to the Mt Korong Scenic Reserve and follow O-signs form here. Please watch out for runners along this road. From Melbourne, take the Calder and Calder Alternate to Inglewood, then as above.

Next Bulletin 23 July

Highest number of entries for the year

The 11th race of Bendigo Orienteers Bush Classic saw 77 entrants competing near Tannery Lane in Mandurang. The highest number of competitors in a classic for the year saw a shortage of maps on some courses.

Weather conditions were spectacular and the great courses set out by Heather Jones provided challenges at all levels. Once again, groups of newcomers took advantage of the expert help on the day before completing their own course.

Another great run from Bryan Keely saw him take the fastest time on the 7km course with David Brownridge and James Robertson coming second and third. The 5.9km course was more closely contested with Louis Cameron only 72 seconds in front of Lachlan Cherry and 3rd place taken by Nic Cherry.

Twenty three people completed the 4.2km course, but in the end there was less than a minute between Phil Robertson in first and Don Cherry with Jimmy Cameron in third. The 3.7km course was completed fastest by Rick McDonald and Isobel Byrne was fastest in the 1.8km course.

Next week will see orienteering back in the granite at Mt Korong near Inglewood, with Ben and Richard Goonan setting the courses. This is a Enter on the Day event, but Pre entry and payment can be completed on Eventor before the event, if you want to book yourself a map before you arrive. This will help the organisers, work out how many people to cater for.

Results can be found on our results page, where you can use Eventor, WinSplits

Jason Carter

Issue 25/14

The weekly e-newsletter of

Bendigo Orienteers Inc.

Issue 25/14: 9 July, 2014

Contact (for this publication): Peter J. Creely: luddcreely@impulse.net.au (Ph. 5443 1975)

Web site: www.bendigo-orienteers.com.au

If you wish to unsubscribe from this bulletin, please click the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of this email. If you would like this Bulletin to be emailed directly to you, please email bendigo.orienteers@gmail.com

Mosquito Creek. Full details are on the web.

Black Crow. Another nomination – probably just a nomination but they seem scarce lately so we’ll go with it! This one has to do with picking up controls on Mosquito Creek. It seems someone went out to collect four controls and took much longer than seemed necessary. He said that he didn’t get lost but – – – !

Under the same subject matter, whilst not deserving a BC nomination, it must be mentioned: someone else (a very highly ranked orienteer of long experience in the sport) went out to pick up two controls and seemed to take a very long time (for two controls); insisted, on his return that he didn’t have any problems, but he seemed rather sheepish about it!

Preview of forthcoming attractions

Bendigo Rocks 2 – Mt Korong: Saturday 19th July

Come and enjoy the challenge of complex granite terrain with areas of fast open running and courses that will provide maximum value. This event will be a great chance to test your technical navigation skills before the upcoming Victorian Championships.

Please enter via Eventor to guarantee your pre-printed map. Enter on the day also available (pre-printed map not guaranteed).

Courses available:

Hard technical navigation – 1 (9km, 28 controls), 2 (5km 18 controls) and 3 (3km, 15 controls)

Medium and easy navigation – 4 (3km, 15 controls) and 5 (2km, 10 controls)

Pre enter and pay on EVENTOR to be guaranteed a map/course of your choice

Love orienteering – take this challenge! – Bendigo Night Champs 2nd of August.

If you love orienteering then there is no better place to test out your skills than at night. That is why Bendigo is putting on the Bendigo Night Champs this year. This race will be something special and you do not want to miss it!! The terrain will be spectacular at Sedgwick, the course’s will not disappoint and the atmosphere of the event around some camp fires will make you want to stay out all night!

More details and Pre-entry on Eventor.  Also don’t forget to check out the Facebook event.

Coming Events

Saturday 12 July. Bendigo Bush Classic 11. Mandurang

Course setter/Organiser: Heather Jones

Map: Mandurang

Time: 12.30 pm – 2.00 pm

Courses: Five: 3 hard 1 moderate, 1 easy.

Terrain: Rocks and Route choice in traditional spur/gully terrain.

Entry fee: $8 Adult, $4 Junior, enter on day.

Directions: From Bendigo travel toward Mandurang. Turn left into Tannery Lane (O sign) then after about 3km turn right into James Cook Drive.

From Melbourne turn off freeway towards Sutton Grange then thru Sedgwick. Before Bendigo turn Right into Tannery Lane. (O sign). After approx 3km turn right into James Cook Drive (O Sign)

Next Bulletin 16 July

Drizzly rain at Mozzie Creek

Race 10 of the Bendigo Orienteers Bush Classic Series was held on Saturday 5th of July. Chris Creely was the event organiser and he did a great job of setting the courses at Mosquito Creek. It was definitely a wintery day with drizzly rain and low temperatures, but competitors were not deterred, coming from all reaches of Victoria and some interstate.

Bryan Keely showed consistency to win the 7.5km Course 1 ahead of Bruce Arthur and Ted Van Geldermalsen with Laurina Neumann taking out 5th place overall as the fastest female on the course.

Close competition in course 2 between brothers as Nic Cherry took the win over Lachlan, followed closely by Stephen Bird. Michael Loughnan placed a convincing 1st in Course 3, with Matt Jackel and Bob Cameron coming in 2nd and 3rd respectively.

Course 4 provided Rick McDonald with a six-second win over Sarah Davies, followed not too far behind by increasingly competitive Mason Arthur. Course 5 was won by Torren Arthur, ahead of Sophie Arthur and Ginger McKenzie.

Overall a great turn out to Mosquito Creek and an excellent event. See you all at Mandurang next week.

Results can be found on our results page, where you can use Eventor, WinSplits

Nic & Lachlan Cherry

Winter has arrived

Winter finally arrived for the latest Bendigo Orienteers event, held on Saturday at Castlemaine.

In wet, cold and windy conditions, Bryan Keely had another win, but Matt Doyle and David Brownridge weren’t that far behind. Louis Cameron once again showed that the young lads certainly know how to orienteer, taking out 1st place, with John (the Local) Wilkinson and Tavish Eenjes rounding out the top 3

Glenn James, said, whatever you can do Louis, I can too, relegating Lawrie Edward and Derek Morris to the minor places, while on course 4, Amos Walz cleaned up, holding out the fast finishing Rick McDonald, while Jan Baxter had a clean run to finish in 3rd place

On the Novice course, it was good to see a lot of Locals, coming out to give Orienteering a try for the 1st time, fastest time went to Alice Oconnor, with the Garry Crew and Philip Schier taking out the final places

Thanks to first time course setters, Isobel Bryne and Jacqui Knee, ably assisted by Nigel McGuckian

Results can be found on our results page, where you can use Eventor, WinSplits

Course setter, Nigel, with the entry/results system

Jim Russell

Issue 23/14

The weekly e-newsletter of

Bendigo Orienteers Inc.

Issue 23/14: 25 June, 2014

Contact (for this publication): Peter J. Creely: luddcreely@impulse.net.au (Ph. 5443 1975)

Web site: www.bendigo-orienteers.com.au

If you wish to unsubscribe from this bulletin, please click the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of this email. If you would like this Bulletin to be emailed directly to you, please email bendigo.orienteers@gmail.com.

Map walks. As I mentioned earlier, I intend to do a series of map walks. These will be marked courses on selected maps and we will see the features on the ground and how they look on the map. I will use dedicated bush areas and we will move right away from housing areas and made roads onto bush tracks to experience some of the beautiful remote bush areas in our National Park. Some of these will be in Castlemaine and some in Bendigo, probably from about mid July – details later. They will be really good for young people who are just beginning to move about the bush. Come and be part of this exercise. More details later.

Black Crow. A belated nomination for the bloke who was heavily involved in the organization of the Bendigo Primary School Champs. Word has it that he disappeared in the middle of the event – missed the presentations!

Thanks to the person/people who returned the magnetic results boards to 51 Lowndes. There was a rumor abroad that I had mislaid them in my shed; I admit that’s a possibility, my shed is messy but I hope, not that bad!

SR meeting. There was a meeting last night to discuss the future of Space Racing — attracted all of eight people! SR is important for attracting kids to our sport, but I believe it’s on the edge and needs help. Anyway, thanks to those who were interested and to Andrew Cameron for chairing it and allowing us the use of his rooms.

Diamond Hill South. 21st June. Report by John W. Report and results on our webpage

Saturday’s event took place on an updated map of Diamond Hill South. Chris Creely updated the map and it was much improved over the older maps. Conditions started off wet and foggy but as the day went on, conditions improved to just damp under foot.

Organiser John Wilkinson set some challenging courses in the gold mining /spur gully terrain.

Course 1 (7.1 km) was won by Brian Keely in a fast 38.59 min, followed by Richard Goonan 46.09, Simon Rouse 46.52 and Laurina Neumann 54.31.

Course 2 (5.7 km) was won by Louis Cameron 40.04, followed by Jim Russell 40.41 and Andrew Cameron 43.08.

Course 3 (3.5 km) leader was Jimmy Cameron 24.54, followed by Lawrie Edwards 37.37, Solomn Cameron 45.03 then Henry Cameron 50.20. (Lots of Cameron’s running these days).

Fastest on course 4 (2.2 km) was Rick McDonald, while on course 5 (2 km) Isobel Byrne managed 17.49.

Well done to the 51 entrants who took part. Thanks to Terry Davidson and Lawrie Edwards for helping the newcomers. Thanks to those who helped collect controls at the end and to Jim Russell and Michael Brench who did the timing/results on the day.

From the Ed. Some great performances by our Juniors and Sub Juniors. I notice that Louis beat Jim – well done Louis, and the Cameron name features more and more! Maybe this will help us start to appreciate the promise that our kids hold for our club and our sport in the future!

Space Racing, 21 June: Space Racing Series 1/2014 has finished. We stood in the gentle rain at the end of Wattle Drive in Spring Gully and presented the trophy, the medals and certificates to the participants, to the accompaniment of the smell of sizzling sausages (the rain started the moment the sausages hit the hotplate). Everyone seemed to enjoy the bushland – a little bit different to the parks. Maybe we will use a couple of these areas in future series?

The Lightning Bolts were the outright winners and the trophy has gone down to Castlemaine for the first time ever — congratulations to Isobel Bryne, Maybel Krasner and Abi Brockett. We will have a formal presentation at Castlemaine North Primary School soon after the holidays are over.

Thanks to all the parents who brought the kids to the events – I enjoyed our chats; thank you to those who helped, especially Casey who looked after registration and helped out with control placement and collection. Our course setters also did a great job; it’s not always easy to set courses and keep them challenging but not over the top – especially in park areas.

I look forward to the future of Space Racing in Bendigo – whatever it may be!

Coming Events

Saturday 28 June. Bendigo Bush Classic. Kalimna Park, Castlemaine

Course setter: Jacqui and Isobel

Organiser: Nigel McGuckian

Map: Kalimna Park, Castlemaine.

Time: 12.30 pm – 2.00 pm

Courses: Five: 3 hard 1 moderate, 1 easy.

Terrain: Classic gold mining on spur/gully.

Entry fee: $8 enter on day.

Directions  Information on Eventor.

From Bendigo take the Calder and Midland Highways to Castlemaine. Coming into the city you will pass under the railway bridge; a few hundred metres further on turn left into Myring Street and follow signs to start. From Melbourne: Travel towards Castlemaine and continue through the shopping centre; after a few hundred metres turn right into Myring Street (if you come to the railway bridge you have come too far). Then as above for Bendigo

Next Bulletin 2 July

A week of wet weather

A week of wet weather preceded the Bendigo Orienteering Diamond Hill course with the day still being overcast but fortunately – no rain and ideal running weather. Course setter, John Wilkinson created 5 courses covering a variety of terrains.

Course 1 (7.1km) was sprinted in by Bryan Keely in a time of 38:59 with Richard Goonan (46:09) and Simon Rouse (46:52) coming in second and third respectively.

Louis Cameron (40:04) managed to beat Jim Russell (40:41) in Course 2 with Andrew Cameron (43:08) in third place. A good turn out for this course with 18 competitors.

Course 3 was blitzed in 24:54 by Jimmy Cameron. Lawrie Edward (37:37) and Solomon Cameron (49:03) came in second and third. This course also had a good number with 15 competitors.

Course 4 was led in by Rick McDonald (26:29) closely followed by Amos Walz (31:11) with Levi Frost (1.12:57) coming in third place.

Isobel Byrne (17:49) took the lead in Course 5 with Hugo Byrne (27:54) taking second place and Delene and Barbara (55:43) coming third.

Well done to all competitors. If you had a go, regardless of whether you finished or not, you are a winner.

Results can be found on our results page, where you can use Eventor, WinSplits

Andrea Tozer

Issue 22/14

The weekly e-newsletter of

Bendigo Orienteers Inc.

Issue 22/14: 18 June, 2014

Contact (for this publication): Peter J. Creely: luddcreely@impulse.net.au (Ph. 5443 1975)

Web site: www.bendigo-orienteers.com.au

If you wish to unsubscribe from this bulletin, please click the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of this email. If you would like this Bulletin to be emailed directly to you, please email

Map walks. Sometime after the finish of our SR series, probably mid July, I intend to do a series of map walks. These will be marked courses on selected maps and we will see the features on the ground and how they look on the map. I am still finalising the details and working on making the exercises challenging and interesting. I will select different maps for different days: one day rock features and contours, another, old mining and some of the ruins in the bush, another we will explore some of the extreme mining that happened during the gold mining boom in Bendigo in the 1800’s. I intend to make it very interesting for both kids and adults. The walks will be around 1.5 to 2 kms and will not be too challenging physically. More later!

Bendigo Night Champs. Hi People, As some of you may know I am organising the Bendigo night champs later this year and plan to make it full of a lot of technological stuff. One of these bits of technology is GPS tracking to go along with the video production. The cheapest way to do this if for people to run with smart phones running a web browser that sends the information to the server every 30second. So I am looking to do a test this weekend at Diamond hill. If you are keen to be part of this please let me know so I can set things up. It would require you running with a smart phone in a back pocket/arm sleeve or something, I suggest ziplocking it in a small back (might organise Jimbo to have them at the event). The amount of data it would us would be minimal – at a guess 5-10mb at absolute max I would think.
Anyway please let me know if you are keen ASAP


 Juniors? (Repeat) If you know of any kids who enjoy orienteering and would like to be on our mailing list, could you let me know please. I will resume my monthly newsletter shortly and this may be of interest to some of you. As well I will be arranging some map walking sessions for our Space Racers (and any other Juniors who may wish to take part) about mid July, on local maps. These will take place on Saturday mornings (dates yet to be decided) and will last about one and a half hours. We will walk a Novice standard course with about ten controls over approx 2 kms. We will look at orientating the map, knowing where you are on the map at all times, look at various features and how they appear on the map legend – general knowledge stuff, not too heavy, not too physical. They will be open to anyone who wants to take part, including adults. More details later.

Bendigo Skins 14 June. Results

Space Racing, 14 June: Back to Spring Gully for the final competitive run. Obviously the course set by Terry was challenging as no team got all controls.

That is the final run and it leaves the Lightning Bolts as the outright winners. Congratulations to Isobel Bryne, Maybel Krasner and Abi Brockett.

Next Saturday we will have Kids Rule where parents are able to go around the course with the kids. After that we will have a sausage sizzle and the presentations and the first SR series for 2014 will be over.

 Coming Events

Saturday 14 June. Bendigo Bush Classic 8

Course setter: John Wilkinson

Map: Diamond Hill South 1:10,000 updated 2014.

Time: 12.30 pm – 2.00 pm

Courses: Five: 3 hard (7 km, 5 km, 3 km), 1 moderate (2.5 km), 1 easy (2 km).

Terrain: Classic gold mining, spur/gully bush.

Entry fee: $8 enter on day. SI timing

Start: At eastern end of Shelton’s road, Kangaroo Flat, near Diamond Hill road.

Directions; From Kangaroo Flat (Calder H’way) turn left (east) into Taylor St (traffic lights), then left into Railway St, right into Chapel St, under railway line then right into Allingham St, then left into Shelton’s Rd. Start at eastern end of Shelton’s Rd. From Melbourne: Travel towards Bendigo on the Calder. Coming into Kangaroo Flat go through traffic lights at Lansell Plaza and at the next set of lights turn right into Taylor Street, then as for Kangaroo Flat above. From Bendigo, go south along Diamond Hill Road and turn right into Shelton’s Rd.

Map to start on Eventor.

Next Bulletin 25 June