• Bendigo Orienteers would like to acknowledge and pay respects to the traditional owners, the Dja Dja Wurrung people, whose country we are on and extend our respect to their Elders, both past and present.

Grand finale event

On Saturday night the grand finale event on our local calendar was held in the Break ‘O’ Day area in Kangaroo Flat. John Wilkinson was the course setter. He chose to use both sides of Lockwood Road so runners could experience variety in both terrain and level of detail on the maps. Areas of the map were marked as out of bounds as the area had recently been blackened by DEPI planned burn offs. Thankfully the rain held off until after packing up.

Although there was a mass start at 7.00, there was a choice to complete a 1, 2 or 3 hour score event. Those choosing the one hour were able to complete the course in daylight, however cloud cover restricted light to a degree. There was no need to cross the busy road but runners had the option if they wanted to. Michael Loughnan, Tavish Eenjes and Tony Radford all found 12 controls in the hour.

The orienteers who selected the two hour course were able to experience both daylight and darkness. Charles Brownridge did well to find 17 controls and Chris Creely found 16 with time to spare. Five people were able to locate all controls well within the given time. The fastest was Bran Keely who completed the course in 86.35mins. Craig Feuerherdt, Jim Russell, Laurina Neumann and Paul Leicester came in well within the time limit.

Tea, coffee and Mars Bars were available after the run but we did miss Peter Creely’s yummy cheese toasties. Thank you to John for the hard work involved in setting a 3hr event and to Lorraine Leversha who came back on Sunday morning to help us pick up controls.

Results are HERE. Follow a replay HERE of Laurina (Purple), Bryan, Jim (Blue) and Craig.

Will include others once they put their courses up on DOMA.


An app for club members to communicate and share. Not designed to replace our other media (Facebook, email or website), but to add and extend it for mobile devices. Available in Android and iOS versions, install it on your phone, tablet or home computer.

Members can receive posts on News and Events, share and comment on photos, join a Chat room, get access to Club minutes and the VOA website. Also has links to Eventor, Winsplits and many other features.

For more information visit : Team App Install the app, search for Bendigo Orienteers and register for access.

Jenny B.

Issue 41/14

The weekly e-newsletter of

Bendigo Orienteers Inc.

Issue 41/14: 12 November, 2014

Contact (for this publication): Peter J. Creely: luddcreely@impulse.net.au (Ph. 5443 1975)

Web site: www.bendigo-orienteers.com.au

If you wish to unsubscribe from this bulletin, please click the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of this email. If you would like this Bulletin to be emailed directly to you, please email bendigo.orienteers@gmail.com

Twilight EventGuys Hill Battunga Park November 8th Results are on the website.

After many days of cloudless evenings, the twilight of Nov. 8th was darkened somewhat by impending rain (which didn’t come). However, reading the map for competitors who were out towards the end of the one hour was made harder. Another factor was finding the smaller ‘Space Racing’ SI plates on the trees in the built up Battunga Park area.

While every competitor had one hour max allowed for the event, the idea was to allow people to have different competition ‘targets’ with three Divisions of sought-after points. So someone like Karina Cherry was able to record a win in Beginners Division with her target of 100 points achieved in 27.42 minutes.

Most competitors for the night were in the Elite Division with its target of 220 – 300 points and nine competitors got all 30 controls (15 controls in the Guys Hill bush area and 15 in residential Battunga Park). Anyone interested in looking at three very interesting approaches to completing the full 30 controls should go to see the actual courses of Lachlan, Craig and Jim on http://doma.orienteering.asn.au (go to ‘Last Map’ and look for Twilight). Not only will you see the various routes that these three orienteers chose but you will notice kilometre rates of around 5 mins/km. Many other very good times. Not to mention, Newcomers/very first timers John, Jo and Elsa Honey who scored their 100 points in just over 52 minutes.

Michael Loughnan will remember this event for being in the vicinity of a large-ish tree, tired possibly by old age and by the heat of last Saturday, crashing down to earth some 30 metres away. Said Michael – “I’m getting out of here”. Luckily this is a very, very rare event in orienteering!

The number of competitors for the event was an increase in the number compared with entries for the last two year’s One Hour Twilights.

Coming events.

TWILIGHT 3 HOUR EVENT Saturday Nov 15th.
Final Bendigo Orienteers event for year.
Area: Break O Day map 1:15,000 (west of Kangaroo Flat).
Time: 7 00 pm mass start, SI timing.
End: 10 00pm
Entry: $8 enter on night.
Event format: Get as many controls as you can in either 1 hr, 2 hr or 3 hr. Each control is worth 10 pts, penalty for late finish is 2 pts/min.
Note: You must choose your course time limit – no changes.
Bring a torch or headlight if you intend to go into the dark.
Directions: Start; Go to Kangaroo Flat and head west along Lockwood Rd. When you get to a sign saying Goldfields Way prepare to turn left into bush.
Start is on the south side of Lockwood road after Break O Day hill (if you are doing a 1 hr event you will most likely stay on this side of Lockwood Rd.)
Course setter: John Wilkinson Ph 54706349 or johnwbmw@gmail.com

Night O Champs and morning after score events. 22 and 23 Nov.

A chance to practice your night navigation in friendly open forest near Maldon.On the Sun. Morning do your course again in daylight and sought out any problems you had in the dark. Hopefully we will have mild weather ,so why not camp at the assembly area and socialise with other Orienteers.

Full details now on Eventor. Book early to  help organisers.

Any further questions contact Ron Frederick  ronfrederick29@iclould.com or 0418994842.

Next Bulletin 19 November

Twilight 1 a success!

Terry had a vision in 2010 to run an event with part in the bush and part in an urban setting. That vision was realised on Saturday when about 30 orienteers took on the Guys Hill-Battunga Park twilight event.

With a one-hour score event to finish before it got too dark, the competitors HAD to start in the bush and finish around the streets of Battunga Park. But there was another catch… you also had to match the number of controls collected from the bush area with that you would collect in the urban. That was fine if you intended on getting all 30 within the hour, however if you couldn’t manage that, then careful counting was required.

We had some interest from the local residents as they wandered out of their houses wondering who these people were running along their streets. There were a few puzzled looks and many asked what was going on. And it was encouraging to see some new comers too trying out the sport for the first time.

Results are HERE Follow a replay HERE of Lachlan, Bryan, Jim and Craig. Click on 41, and replay from there, such a close race

Don Cherry

Issue 40/14

The weekly e-newsletter of

Bendigo Orienteers Inc.

Issue 40/14: 5 November, 2014

Contact (for this publication): Peter J. Creely: luddcreely@impulse.net.au (Ph. 5443 1975)

Web site: www.bendigo-orienteers.com.au

If you wish to unsubscribe from this bulletin, please click the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of this email. If you would like this Bulletin to be emailed directly to you, please email bendigo.orienteers@gmail.com

Mandurang Results can be found on the website.

Congrats! Our club has won $40,000 to help fund the promotion of orienteering to primary school kids. This is wonderful news. Congratulations and thanks to Craig Feuerherdt, Andrew Cameron and all others who helped bring this about.

Coming events. Information is here

Saturday 8 November. Twilight 1 Hour Score.

Map: Guy’s Hill, Battunga Park

Organiser: Terry Davidson.

This event takes place in good light (it is in the period of “Civil Twilight”) and is in a unique blend of newly mapped quality bush (Bush-O) and a challenging residential area (Street-O). Competition divisions to cater for Beginners to Elite – all 1 hr.

Registration from 6.45 p.m. Briefing and map handout at 7.15 p.m.

Directions: From Bendigo to Strathdale via Condon St. At last traffic lights (Reservoir Hotel) proceed 4 km towards Strathfieldsaye and turn right at Saxby Dr. Take right-hand fork at 500 m. (Arthurs Cr.) to parking. Please park responsibly in this residential area. See also Eventor for map.

Enquiries? – Terry Davidson 5442 4905 0427 844 817

Event preview. Information is here

Saturday Nov 15th. TWILIGHT 3 HOUR EVENT. Final event for year.
Area: Break O Day map (west of Kangaroo Flat) – Browns reef and Crusoe heights. Map updated.
Time: 7 pm mass start
End: 10 pm
Entry: $8 enter on night.
Event: Get as many controls as you can in either 1 hr, 2 hr or 3 hr. Each control is worth 10 pts, penalty for late finish is 2 pts/min.
Note: You must choose your course time limit – no changes.
Bring a torch or headlight if you intend to go into the dark.
Start; Go to Kangaroo Flat and head west along Lockwood Rd. When you get to a sign saying Goldfields Way prepare to turn left into bush.
Start is on the south side of Lockwood Road after Break O Day hill (if you are doing a 1 hr event you will stay on this side of Lockwood Rd.)
Course setter: John Wilkinson Ph 54706349 or johnwbmw@gmail.com
Note: If anyone is interested in doing the cooking or bringing prepared snacks this year please let John know (Peter Creely will not be doing it this year).
Also helpers needed to collect controls next morning – be at start at 9 am sharp. Thank you.

Next Bulletin 12 November

Plenty of subtle features

Saturday was a beautiful day in the bush! Cool breeze, a little rain, but plenty of sun. Over 70 competitors enjoyed the Courses set by Daryl with plenty of subtle features to challenge navigation in the Mandurang bush.

The courses also attracted a few visitors too with flashes of coloured running gear throughout the forest. In fact 3 of the courses were won by non-Bendigo orienteers, but that didn’t stop the level of fierce competition to gain the best Club points for the day.

Results and splits are on our Results page Check how you are going in the overall standings. Best 10 of 19 scores to count

Don Cherry

Issue 39/14

The weekly e-newsletter of

Bendigo Orienteers Inc.

Issue 39/14: 29 October, 2014

Contact (for this publication): Peter J. Creely: luddcreely@impulse.net.au (Ph. 5443 1975)

Web site: www.bendigo-orienteers.com.au

If you wish to unsubscribe from this bulletin, please click the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of this email. If you would like this Bulletin to be emailed directly to you, please email bendigo.orienteers@gmail.com


Black Crows. There was a report of a couple of BC’s in the minutes published on 27 October, well here are a couple more.

I have it on very good authority that in a recent 24 hour rogaine a team made up of two or our top athletes entered under the name of the ‘Night Owls. I believe that they slept for the greater part of the night – which wasn’t very Night-Owlish’!

Another team entered under the team name of ‘Nothing’ and I am told that that was the number of points they earned.

Coming events. Information on Eventor

Saturday 1 November. Bush Classic 19.

Map: Mandurang

Organiser and Course Setter: Daryl Fleay.

Start: 12.30 to 2.00 pm. Courses close at 3.00 pm.

Format: Five courses: 1, 2 and 3 difficult navigation, 4 moderate and 5 easy. This end of the map hasn’t been used for some time and should prove very interesting – especially in the hands of a master course setter.

Directions: From Bendigo: From the centre of Bendigo (Fountain): travel along Mitchell Street/Carpenter Street/Spring Gully Road, through Mandurang to Sedgwick. From the Sedgwick Hall, proceed West along Spring’s Rd (O sign). After 400M turn right into Hogan’s Rd (O sign). Proceed 2.4KM along Hogan’s Rd then turn left into Kerr’s Rd (O sign). The assembly area is 500M along Kerr’s Rd.

From Castlemaine: Travel via North Harcourt to Sedgwick, then as for Bendigo.

From Melbourne: travel via the Calder to Bendigo, then as above for Bendigo. Alternatively: turn off the Calder to Sutton Grange and continue to Sedgwick, then as for Bendigo

Next Bulletin 5 November

Penultimate bush classic event

The penultimate bush classic orienteering event for 2014 saw those keen to pit their skills and fitness against the remapped Diamond Hill map and the warmer weather.

Chris Creely has done a fantastic job touching up this part of the Diamond Hill map, which will see it very versatile in the years to come.

Laurina Neumann, fresh from second place in the long distance championships, had an early start so she could also participate in the Melbourne sprint series. Eventually course one was taken out by Australian junior champion Matt Doyle, competing the 6.8 km course in 43.24, accounting for a fast finishing Louis Cameron by 4.25. Warhorse Jim Russell let second place slip, by ignoring the age old mantra of “never navigate using the green”. He still managed to beat Craig Feuerherdt by 1 second.

The real action was in course 2, with the Cherry brothers going head to head. Nic Cherry has continued his great from since returning from the Australian championships, getting past brother Lachy and holding on by just over 3 minutes. A determined Steve Bird slotted into 3rd place ahead of John Wilkinson and Don Cherry. Jimmy Cameron won every leg to win course 3, over Nigel McGuckian and Neil Barr. Fast improving Henry Cameron is starting to show his potential and is looking to finish the season off strong.

Fergus Selkirk-Bell is starting to get the hang of the tactical side of our sport, winning course 4 from Karina Cherry and Caitlin Steer. It’s great to see Karina and Caitlin improving each week and I am sure we shall be seeing much of these 2 names associated with our sport over the next few years. Joanne Cherry zipped around course 5 ahead of Jason Carter, who also has the makings of a future star, following his second place as a part of the relay team last week.

Next week is the final round of the Bush Classic events with valuable points up for grabs before we head into the 2 twilight events.

A special shout out to Darren Enjees, who is holed up at St John of God hospital. He continues to improve each day and is keen to hear all of your adventures out in the bush.

Results and splits are on our Results page Check how you are going in the overall standings. Best 10 of 19 scores to count

Andrew Cameron

Issue 38/14

The weekly e-newsletter of

Bendigo Orienteers Inc.

Issue 38/14: 22 October, 2014

Contact (for this publication): Peter J. Creely: luddcreely@impulse.net.au (Ph. 5443 1975)

Web site: www.bendigo-orienteers.com.au

If you wish to unsubscribe from this bulletin, please click the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of this email. If you would like this Bulletin to be emailed directly to you, please email bendigo.orienteers@gmail.com

Way back then, a blast from the past – – I was getting rid of a lot of O stuff and I came across an article Noel Schoknecht (a former President of our club) and I wrote for the Australian Orienteer of the day. When you look at Bendigo as it is now you realise how much the scene has changed and how we need to move around our gold mining terrain to glimpse even a tiny part of what it must have been like then.

“Let me draw you a picture – of a valley with a small creek flowing softly through it, forming holes with water in them as clear as crystal; kingfishers flitting about in the golden wattle and disappearing into the foliage which almost hid the creek from view.”

In contrast, a quote from Mr. Charles Clacey, from England, who visited this same place only a few months after gold was discovered in 1851.

“Never shall I forget the scene! There were no trees, only trunks and a few branches littering the rare pieces of ground that hadn’t been dug over. It was like a sandy plain or one vast succession of countless gravel pits; the earth was everywhere turned up – mens’ heads were in every direction popping up and down in the holes – the sounds of the picks and shovels, the hum of so many thousands of voices — !”

Oh how different it is now!

Lomglea South. Report and results available on our webpage

Coming events. Saturday 25 October. Bush Classic 18.

Map: Diamond Hill

Organiser: Andrew Cameron.

Start: 12.30 to 2.00 pm. Courses close at 3.00 pm.

Format: Five courses: 1, 2 and 3 difficult navigation, 4 moderate and 5 easy.

Directions: From Bendigo: From the centre of Bendigo, head South toward Kangaroo Flat. Turn left at the lights into Camp Street, right into Church St (orienteering signs), left into Chapel St. Continue under train bridge, then right into Allingham Street and left into Shelton’s Road. Parking 500m on side of road. Alternatively, travel out to Spring Gully on SG Road and turn right into Burns Street. Continue to the tee intersection and turn left into Diamond Hill Road. After a couple of kms turn right into Shelton’s Road.

From Castlemaine: Travel towards Bendigo. At the traffic lights at the Lockwood Road intersection in Kangaroo Flat turn right into Camp Street and then as for Bendigo.

From Melbourne: travel via the Calder towards Bendigo. At the Lockwood Road traffic lights in Kangaroo Flat turn right into Camp Street and then as above for Bendigo.

Next Bulletin 29 October

October is the best month in Bendigo

October is the best month in Bendigo and the middle of the month is the best time to be Orienteering in the local bush. The event at Longlea South was held in perfect conditions, a warm but not windy afternoon gave all competitors the chance to be at their best.

Terry Davidson set the courses set the courses to test navigation skills in this relatively level terrain. Hills and gullies are not very big and you need to concentrate and know where you are at all times. The advantage of this terrain is that the hills are not very demanding which gives the opportunity to run very fast through the open bushland.

Drawn results are very rare occurrences but on Saturday we had two draws. On Course 4 both Caitlyn Steer and Karina Cherry had the same time of 33: 38 making them equal winners on the course. On Course 1 Richard Goonan and Craig Feuerherdt finished with identical times of 47:31 to get equal second place. Jim Russell is to be commended for his first place on Course 1 even though he spent most of the day on administrative work including a brief stop during his run. Well done Jim!

Course 2 was a tight tussle between the Nic Cherry and Lachlan Cherry with Nic taking it by just 12 seconds. The Camerons dominated on Course 3 with Jimmy taking it out over Henry. The course suited runners and included some subtle navigational challenges. The domination of this course by these boys shows that there is a great depth of talent within our club.

The 2 kilometre Course 5 was won by Solomon Cameron in 12:07 minutes and a very fast run. Solomon’s running rate of just under 6 minutes a kilometre was the second fastest on all courses for the day. He must have been really flying.

Thank you to those who organised this event, Terry, Jim, Lawrie, Peter S, and control collectors Andrew C, Andrew W, and Derek


Bendigo had nine teams compete in this years state relays. The event was held in fine conditions in the Fyerstown forest (northern end near Elphinstone). The forest was ablaze with wildflowers (if you had time to stop).

Each team had three members, when the first member returned he/she tagged the second member who took off and on returning tagged the third member. The total time for the team determined their placing. Courses were slightly different for each team member but about the same distance.

Overall Bendigo did extremely well and all members who participated are to be congratulated – especially the Cameron families. Results can be found on Eventor but those of our teams are summarised below.


  1. Bendigo 5th (Laurina, Richard, David), 6th (Ben, Clare, Jim)
  2. Bendigo 1st (Louis, Andrew, Jimmy),       7th (Andrew S, Nic, Lachlan), 9th ( Peter G, Nigel, Charles)
  3. Bendigo 2nd (Caitlyn S, Jason C, John W)
  4. No entries
  5. Bendigo 1st (Bob C, Solomon, Henry), 3rd (Karina, Joanne, Don), 7th (Margaret K, Eleanor W, Warwick W)

John Wilkinson

This Saturday the event is on the outskirts of Kangaroo Flat and details can be found on the website.

Results and splits are on our Results page Check how you are going in the overall standings. Best 10 of 19 scores to count

Lawrie Edward

Issue 37/14

The weekly e-newsletter of

Bendigo Orienteers Inc.

Issue 37/14: 15 October, 2014

Contact (for this publication): Peter J. Creely: luddcreely@impulse.net.au (Ph. 5443 1975)

Web site: www.bendigo-orienteers.com.au

If you wish to unsubscribe from this bulletin, please click the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of this email. If you would like this Bulletin to be emailed directly to you, please email bendigo.orienteers@gmail.com

Vera Shelton. Twenty years ago today Vera Shelton died whilst competing in an event on One Tree Hill. Vera was a member on Bendigo Orienteers in the early years of our existence. She was iconic in many ways: she was a fierce competitor: rumour has it that once she had decided her route choice on a particular leg she didn’t deviate – even small trees moved aside for her. She wore O pants, the legs of which came to just below her knees – her socks were short, just above the ankle, her legs in between were bare so invariably she’d come in from a course with her shins totally bloodied. We who knew her were used to it but I often wonder what effect the sight had on newcomers to our sport. If you want to read more about Vera you will find her story on page 96 of our club history – ‘One Tree Hill and Beyond’.

There is a stone cairn just west of the Pioneer Drive junction with Edwards Road at the base of which (northern side) is a small brass plaque commemorating Vera’s link with our forest and our club. If you are up that way anytime stop and have a quiet word with her.

Be at peace Vera – you remain deeply loved in our memories and your soul is nestled in the spirit of our beautiful forest that is One Tree Hill.

Bendigo Addy, 15 Oct. ’14. Have a look at page 45 – a great photo of some of our kids! Also, there’s a photo of a rather suave gentleman that I didn’t recognise at first glance: it’s Jim and he’s in his street gear. Used as I am to seeing him in O gear it took a few seconds to work out who it was. He comes up really well.

Kids. I see, in the recent OV bulletin, Ruth Goddard’s (Yarra Valley OC) report on the coaching morning for junior children she organised on Westerfold’s Park at Templestowe recently. The kids were introduced to map symbols and colours and they were then supervised on a short course. (Hope springs eternal – – – !)

Mars Bar Cup 2015 Write Up and Results

Coming events. Saturday 18 October. Bush Classic 17.

Map: Longlea South

Organiser: Terry Davidson.

Start: 12.30 to 2.00 pm. Courses close at 3.00 pm.

Format: Five courses: 1, 2 and 3 difficult navigation,

Directions: From Bendigo: From the centre of Bendigo travel east along Williamson Street, Condon Street and Strathfieldsaye Road through Strathfieldsaye towards Lake Eppalock. turn right on Gleeson’s Track, 6 km past Strathfieldsaye on the main Eppalock Road. Take care on right-hand turn across on-coming traffic.

From Castlemaine: Travel to Bendigo; after one block past the Fountain turn right into Williamson Street (Shamrock Hotel). Then as above for Bendigo.

From Melbourne: via the Calder, Elphinstone and Sutton Grange to the Bendigo-(Lake) Eppalock Road. Turn right and travel 3 km to Gleeson’s Track turn. Take care on right-hand turn across on-coming traffic

Next Bulletin 22 October