• Bendigo Orienteers would like to acknowledge and pay respects to the traditional owners, the Dja Dja Wurrung people, whose country we are on and extend our respect to their Elders, both past and present.


March 11 2017
Course setter: John Wilkinson

Today’s training course was held on old mining and bush terrain in Golden Square. Hot and dry conditions and challenging courses provided an enjoyable exercise for a small group of old and new competitors. Thanks to those who came and those who helped collect controls at the end (Peter Forbes, Jenny Ball, Terry Davidson, John Wilkinson). We were packed up and headed for home by 3 pm.

Course 1. 4 km
C. Feuerherdt 24.38 min
J. Cameron 26.10
A. Cameron 31.45
T. Radford 34.28
L. Maggs 34.38
W. Williams 37.01
S. Collins 41.16
T. Davidson 55.55
P. Lohmeyer-Collins 58.05
K. Liley 57.29 dnf

Course 2. 3 km
M. Loughnan 22.07
D. Eenjes 28.55
A. Radford 30.56
V. McMillan 35.37
J. Baxter 36.21
J. Carter 36.35
J. Ball 41.27
A. Walz 45.34

Course 3. 2 km
H. Carter 19.49
N. Brunner 22.08
S. Davidson 26.33
L. Cleary 36.13 / 17.10 (2nd run)
I. Johnson 43.23


Mars Bar Cup 2016

By Jenny Ball

Even though many club members were involved in championships in Queensland and it was AFL Grand Final Day, many people braved the cold to participate in the annual Mars Bar Cup (or Mahers Barr Cup) challenge held in the picturesque Sedgwick forest on October 1st.
It was great to see Lillian Maher representing her Maher family. Jimmy Cameron was in great form following his run in Queensland – he was the only one to visit all controls in the given hour (about 8.3 km).
Conditions were very wet underfoot. Gullies became water courses. Water courses flowed like creeks and many tracks had turned into water courses.
Most people managed to visit their selected controls in the hour. There were a few late penalties applied.
Brettt Houlden raced to the finish with 2 seconds to spare and Ian Johnson was delighted to complete a course successfully.
In the easy course Harrison Carter excelled with a time of 15.25 minutes and his sister Isabelle also completed the course in good time considering the conditions of the tracks.
At the end of the event all participants received a Mars Bar, which put a smile on many faces (thanks Jenny for donating the Mars Bars).
Thanks to John W, Lorraine L, Nola J and Andrew W, for picking up controls and also to Brett Houlden for bringing the trailer.


In order of points scored.

Jimmy Cameron 400 (max)
Andrew Wallace 360
Nic Cherry 360
Tsegii Choijinsuren 360
Rod Gray 360
Derek Morris 355
Henry Cameron 340
Brett Houlden 340
Michael Loughnan 320
Katherine McMillan 320
Tim Dent 320
Kerryn Searle 300
Peter Forbes 295
Heather Jones 280
Colin Walker 280
David Jones 280
Lillian Maher 280
Terry Davidson 260
Ben English 240
Reuben Cameron 240
Bob Cameron 240
Elke Prielipp 240
Ken Dowling 240
Viv McMillan 220
Nola and Lorraine 220
Neave English 200
Ian Johnson 180
Di Searle 180
Anitra Dowling 180

Easy course…
Harrison Carter 15.25 min
Isabelle Carter 32.36 min
Jennie Friebel 72.38

CardiO Wrap Up

The new “CardiO” format was a great success with many positive comments. There were a few confused competitors at first and several didn’t read the clue sheet, one competitor even visited the same control twice (from different angles) and didn’t realise it. But the standout performance for the day goes to Jim Russell, who despite not posting the fastest time, won every “out” leg, i.e., the legs which repeatedly climbed up and over the ridge. He’s tough (as if we didn’t already know that) and went on to decisively win a Victorian Champs event the next day under even tougher conditions.

Is the CardiO format here to stay – watch this space.

Ian Johnson – Our Living Legend

RESULTS 13/8/2016 IAN’S 88th
COURSE 1: 4.4Km
Nic Cherry                        24:40
Warwick Williams             39:41
Derek Morris                      40:21
Neil Barr                           40:55
Morgan Fry                         43:57
Darren Eenjes                   45:17
Peter Forbes                      47:35
Rob Clark                          64:22
John Chellew                     76:45
Ryan Davies                        MP
Ian Davies                         DNF

COURSE 2: 3.5Km
Michael Loughnan           28:21
Henry Cameron                32:45
Karina Cherry                     32:46
Julie Flynn                           36:23
Colin Walker                       40:15
Katherine McMillan         40:25
Viv McMillan                      41:21
Louise Hall                           46:03
Dave Lotty                           54:29
Sheila Colls                          64:25

COURSE 3: 3.2Km
Steve Bird                            21:41
Lachlan Cherry                  22:57
John Wilkinson                  23:28
Jimmy Cameron                             23:34
Leisha Maggs                     26:25
Marcus Binks                     29:37
John Maher                        29:39
Sue Key                                32:41
Lawrie Edward                  32:25
Archie Neylon                   35:25
Jason Carter                       45:53
Jenny Ball                            46:09
Lorraine Lerversha          51:51
Nola Juniper                       51:51
James O’Sullivan               52:55
Anna & Bri                           55:31
Verna Greenhalgh           61:59
Old Girls                               63:17
Reuben                DNF

COURSE 4: 2.5Km
Oliver Martin & Levy       19:52
Lillian Maher                      23:39
Sebastian Vinks                 34:19
Harrison Carter                 44:08

COURSE 5: 1.2Km
Wilbur Martin                    16:38
Sue Healy                            19:52

Mosquito Creek Results 4.6.16

Derek Morris (today’s course setter) is becoming renowned for two things:

  • Great courses in the subtle complexity of Mosquito Creek.
  • Wet weather.

Both were present at today’s event. However, the rain was only light and intermittent after an overnight soaking, and did not deter more than 50 competitors who thoroughly enjoyed their courses.  Most people had difficulty negotiating “clean” runs as the subtle and often overgrown terrain was difficult to read.

Thanks to Derek for another great event.

Results are now available.

Mt Ida Club Classic 23rd April 2016

In good weather last Saturday, a  mix of 46 people from Bendigo, Melbourne and Heathcote went of a ‘Back to Mt Ida’ event based at the familiar Dargile Picnic Grounds some 9 km from Heathcote township.

Dargile Picnic Area 2016/16

Dargile Picnic Area 2015/16

With the use of a remote start and remote finish, Courses 1 – 3 were able to spend the majority of the time orienteering in reasonably clear and intricate spur-gully terrain along the first ridge to the east of the actual steep Mt Ida ‘mountain’. Flatter areas have seen serious vegetation growth since the current (a non-OCAD) map was surveyed in 1992 and tracks are not now reliably mapped.

The map used for Courses 4 and 5 was a re-use of that prepared for the Heathcote Community Games in 2015 and utilized the flatter area surrounding the picnic ground. Because of the present inaccuracy of the 1992 map, this remap at 1:7500 allowed for the area to be now usable by beginners and newcomers. The difference in the map changes in 24 years is shown in the images shown here.


Dargile Picnic Area 1992

Dargile Picnic Area 1992

While the venue is some distance from Bendigo, those who orienteer in this terrain to the east of Mt Ida always seem to find it rewarding with a good level of physical challenge. It is worth considering how this area can be used into the future where the standard and convenience of mapping has changed so much over almost quarter of a century.

Results Bird’s Reef Bush Classic 16/4/16

RESULTS are in Eventor.  Splits are here  SIME__ Birds ReefSplits

A perfect day for orienteering saw a large turnout of competitors for this event. Michael Loughnan was the course setter, and he made clever use of the complex terrain causing difficulties for many people. However those that navigated cleanly were rewarded with quick times.

Ben and Richard Goonan fought a close contest on course 1, but David Brownridge had a good run to split the two, finishing just behind Ben.  Jimmy Cameron had another great run on course 2 just coming home in front of Belinda Lawford.  Chris Naunton returning from injury IMG_20160416_140827blitzed a large field in course 3. The novice course 5 was enjoyed by several young competitors with Michael’s course setting taking them right up the main erosion gully.

Second use only of this map following last year’s State Event.

Mapped by Neil Barr, this is a narrow stretch of complex gold mining and associated erosion gullies.
Courses are middle distance given the complexity and large number of controls on each course.
Start between 12.30 – 2.00pm. Newcomers are always welcome.


Due to road works on the Chapel St railway crossing. From Bendigo, travel south towards Kangaroo Flat. Turn left at the lights on Oak Street (C353), travel about 300m, crossing the railway and turn right into Allingham Street. Continue south along Allingham St for 2.5km. It eventually becomes Kangaroo Gully Road. Follow this for a further 2.0km until you reach Reid Lane, just after the powerlines. From Melbourne, continue through Kangaroo Flat on the Highway (A300) towards Bendigo. At the Oak Street lights turn right and continue as above.