The weekly e-newsletter of
Bendigo Orienteers Inc.
Issue 12/14: 9 April, 2014
Contact (for this publication): Peter J. Creely: (Ph. 5443 1975)
Web site:
Important! If you don’t want to receive the bulletin, or if, at any time, you wish to discontinue receiving it, please advise me by return e-mail and your name will be taken off my list.
The Black Crow is awarded each year to the club member who is responsible for the most spectacular misadventure of the year. Sadly there are no new nominations this week.
Smith’s Reef. Another great event, another good roll-up – thanks David! We even had people from Townsville there and it was good to see Ross Slater – long time no see! Full results and report on the web site. Don’t miss the Golden Sandshoe next week – back to Castlemaine.
Working With Children.It may be an idea for people who have a WWC card to check the renewal date. They have a run-out date on them and should be renewed before they expire. It can be done on Register and log in to MyCheck, then select the option to ‘Renew your Check’; update your personal and/or work details.
Victorian Secondary Schools Orienteering Championships 2014
Entries for this event are now being taken!
All event information and entry forms are available on the Orienteering Victoria website
The championships are open to all secondary school students and will be held on Friday 16th May at Plenty Gorge West, Hawkstowe.
Deadline for entries is Thursday 1st May.
Peta Whitford, Event organiser
Coming Events. Saturday 12 April
Saturday 12 April. Golden Sandshoe
Area: Castlemaine
Map: Clinkers Hill 1:10,000
Course setter: John Wilkinson
Start: You can start anytime between 12-45 pm and 1.30 pm.
Comments: A one-hour score event where competitors have to get as many controls as possible in the time given. Penalty for being late. The Golden Sandshoe award is given to the winner based on an age handicap. A new map is being used covering 1/3 rural street and 2/3 gold mining bush will be used. SI timing. Newcomers welcome.
Directions: From Bendigo, go to Castlemaine and turn left on the Melbourne Rd, then turn right at first roundabout into Wheeler St, continue 1 km to Etty street. Start is near Senior Secondary College in Etty Street. Park in street.
From Melbourne, go thru Chewton into Castlemaine to roundabout at shops, turn left into Wheeler St, continue 1 km to Etty St start (near Senior Secondary College). Park in street.
Next Bulletin 16 April