• Bendigo Orienteers would like to acknowledge and pay respects to the traditional owners, the Dja Dja Wurrung people, whose country we are on and extend our respect to their Elders, both past and present.

Issue 12/14


The weekly e-newsletter of

Bendigo Orienteers Inc.

Issue 12/14: 9 April, 2014

Contact (for this publication): Peter J. Creely: luddcreely@impulse.net.au (Ph. 5443 1975)

Web site: www.bendigo-orienteers.com.au


Important! If you don’t want to receive the bulletin, or if, at any time, you wish to discontinue receiving it, please advise me by return e-mail and your name will be taken off my list.


The Black Crow is awarded each year to the club member who is responsible for the most spectacular misadventure of the year. Sadly there are no new nominations this week.


Smith’s Reef. Another great event, another good roll-up – thanks David! We even had people from Townsville there and it was good to see Ross Slater – long time no see! Full results and report on the web site. Don’t miss the Golden Sandshoe next week – back to Castlemaine.


Working With Children.It may be an idea for people who have a WWC card to check the renewal date. They have a run-out date on them and should be renewed before they expire. It can be done on www.workingwithchildren.vic.gov.au Register and log in to MyCheck, then select the option to ‘Renew your Check’; update your personal and/or work details.


Victorian Secondary Schools Orienteering Championships 2014
Entries for this event are now being taken!

All event information and entry forms are available on the Orienteering Victoria website

The championships are open to all secondary school students and will be held on Friday 16th May at Plenty Gorge West, Hawkstowe.
Deadline for entries is
Thursday 1st May.

Peta Whitford, Event organiser


Coming Events. Saturday 12 April

Saturday 12 April. Golden Sandshoe

Area:   Castlemaine

Map:   Clinkers Hill 1:10,000

Course setter:  John Wilkinson

Start:   You can start anytime between 12-45 pm and 1.30 pm. 

Comments:   A one-hour score event where competitors have to get as many controls as possible in the time given. Penalty for being late. The Golden Sandshoe award is given to the winner based on an age handicap. A new map is being used covering 1/3 rural street and 2/3 gold mining bush will be used.  SI timing. Newcomers welcome.

Directions:  From Bendigo, go to Castlemaine and turn left on the Melbourne Rd, then turn right at first roundabout into Wheeler St, continue 1 km to Etty street. Start is near Senior Secondary College in Etty Street. Park in street.

From Melbourne, go thru Chewton into Castlemaine to roundabout at shops, turn left into Wheeler St, continue 1 km to Etty St start (near Senior Secondary College). Park in street. 


Next Bulletin 16 April

Race 2 of the Bendigo Bush Orienteering series

Race 2 of the Bendigo Bush Orienteering series was held on Saturday, out the back of the Quarry Hill Golf Course. Course setter, Peter Forbes made good use of the terrain, with courses crossing the road into the Diamond Hill forest.

Toph Naunton, who won the 1st race, had to settle for 2nd place behind Brodie Nankervis from Tasmania, while Bryan Keely, on his return from injury, filled out the top 3. Laurina Neumann had a good battle with Lanita Steer, before pulling away to be fastest women.

On Course 2, it was once again dominated by the younger brigade, with Lachlan Cherry out classing his club mate, Louis Cameron, with Adrian Perry having a one of his better runs for 3rd place. While on Course 3, Warwick Williams showed the young guys, how it is done, only just beating Jimmy Cameron, with Glenn James in the final place.

On the easier course 4, Fergus Selkirk-Bell recorded his first win, holding out Jarrod Martin and Jan Baxter, who filled the other 2 places. It was a Family affair on the easiest course, with the Alston Family taking account of Solomon Cameron, and the consistent Joanne Cherry.

Results can be found on our results page, where you can use Eventor or WinSplits

Jim Russell

Issue 10/14

The weekly e-newsletter of

Bendigo Orienteers Inc.

Issue 10/14: 26 March, 2014

Contact (for this publication): Peter J. Creely: luddcreely@impulse.net.au (Ph. 5443 1975)

Web site: www.bendigo-orienteers.com.au

 Important! If you don’t want to receive the bulletin, or if, at any time, you wish to discontinue receiving it, please advise me by return e-mail and your name will be taken off my list.

 The Black Crow is awarded each year to the club member who is responsible for the most spectacular misadventure of the year.

A new nomination. It was at Fiddlers Green when one of our more senior people started to take the trailer to bits to try and extract the container with the results slips in it that was (seemingly) stuck in the bottom. Someone else came along with (thankfully) a bit more nous and let the trailer tailboard down and just – took them out!!

I’m trying to remember something else about a download unit – what happened there Warwick?

 For those older members of the club, I caught up with Noel Schoknecht last night – he’s still going strong, still very much involved in WA orienteering. He was in Bendigo for a conference.

 Sedgwick.A great event, a good turn-up, great courses – Bendigo Orienteers bringing high quality local events to local people – as we should! Thank you Catherine! It was good to see so many of the people who attended our CATI’s turning up to try out the real thing in real forest on our doorstep — but what pleased me most was the number of families and lots of kids. It is vital that we push ‘reachable’ events after our CATI’s – Sedgwick proved this!


Organiser : Catherine Creely

1 Course (1): 10 KP 6.6 km ^

 1.     0 Chris Creely              BGV        00:59:56

 2.     0 Leisha Maggs              BGV        01:23:39 +23:43

 3.     0 Colin Walker              BGV        01:25:57 +26:01

 4.     0 Anitra  Dowling           EUV        01:39:51 +39:55

 5.     0 Paul Leicester            BGV        02:03:07 +63:11

 6.     0 Andrew Wallace            BGV        02:24:17 +84:21

2 Course (2): 8 KP 4.6 km ^

 1.     0 Louis Cameron             BGV        00:37:44

 2.     0 Andrew Cameron            BGV        00:44:20 +06:36

 3.     0 Nigel McGuckian           BGV        00:45:31 +07:47

 4.     0 John Wilkinson            BGV        00:49:32 +11:48

 5.     0 Brett Houlden             BGV        01:00:35 +22:51

 6.     0 Stephen Bird              BKV        01:00:50 +23:06

 7.     0 Rob Clark                 BGV        01:04:14 +26:30

 8.     0 Nic Cherry                BGV        01:04:37 +26:53

 9.     0 John Chellew              BGV        01:09:19 +31:35

10.     0 Han Perry                 BGV        01:11:42 +33:58

11.     0 Jenny  Ball               BGV        01:13:37 +35:53

12.     0 Rowan Goffin              BGV        01:27:00 +49:16

        0 Bob Leicester             BKV        DNF     

3 Course (3): 9 KP 3.5 km ^

 1.     0 Peter Forbes              BGV        00:42:20

 2.     0 Jimmy Cameron             BGV        00:49:31 +07:11

 3.     0 Lorraine Leversha         BGV        01:02:47 +20:27

 4.     0 Matt Jackel               BGV        01:09:14 +26:54

 5.    30 Ian  Johnson              BGV        01:25:46 +43:26

 6.     0 Katherine McMillan        BGV        01:27:36 +45:16

        0 Bob Cameron               BGV        DNF     

        0 Vivienne McMillan         BGV        DNF     

        0 Zac McDonald              BGV        DNF     

        0 Terry Gavaghan            QLD        DNF     

4 Course (4): 12 KP 3.5 km ^

 1.     0 Jarrod&Angus  Martin      BGV        00:45:26

 2.     0 Amos Walz                 BGV        00:49:45 +04:19

 3.     0 Shannon&Oliver Martin     BGV        00:49:52 +04:26

 4.     0 Carol Coad                BGV        01:03:43 +18:17

 5.     0 Jason Carter              BGV        01:12:04 +26:38

 6.     0 Roland Cauka              BGV        01:15:42 +30:16

 7.     0 Larelle McDonald          BGV        01:16:49 +31:23

5 Course (5): 13 KP 2.6 km ^

 1.     0 Michelle Alston           BGV        00:30:31

 2.     0 Bowman Family             BGV        00:37:13 +06:42

 3.     0 Solomon Cameron          BGV         00:41:09 +10:38

 4.     0 Family Wigney             BGV        00:41:18 +10:47

 4.     0 Jack Wigney               BGV        00:41:18 +10:47

 6.     0 Heather Robson            BGV        00:58:20 +27:49

 7.     0 Bendigo Hire              BGV        01:00:06 +29:35

 8.     0 Cunningham + Terry        BGV        01:24:13 +53:42

 State Series events. There were two SS events last weekend. The Bendigo people who traveled up went pretty well mostly — full results can be found on Eventor or WinSplits.

A few mentions: Day 1: Course 7W Karina Cherry,: 1st.  Caitlyn Steer 5th Day 2: Course 7W Caitlyn Steer 1st., Karina Cherry 2nd., Course 1M: Chris Naunton 1st.; Course 2M: Lachlan Cherry 3rd. Course 2W: Leisha Maggs 5th.; Course 3M: Don Cherry 3rd.; Course 3W: Louise Hall 4th.;Course 4M: Michael Loughnan 1st.; Course 6W: Judy Fitt: 4th.

 Whispers: Word on the street is that a long time member of the club who used to wear only KT-26 shoes, has taken himself down to Sports Co in the Mall, and bought a pair of Inov-8 X-Talon 212 shoes, just like those on the Club website. 

Heard on the weekend (he was a controller), saying how much grip they had

 JSquad. I will start the separate JSquad e-Bulletin next week.

 Victorian Secondary Schools Orienteering Championships 2014

Entries for this event are now being taken!

All event information and entry forms are available on the Orienteering Victoria website 

The championships are open to all secondary school students and will be held on Friday 16th May atPlenty Gorge West, Hawkstowe. Within each course there are age categories for inexperienced and experienced competitors of varying abilities and ages: All juniors planning on trying out for the Victorian State Team should attend as it is one of the two selection races held in deciding the team to compete at ASOC in WA during the September Holidays.

Deadline for entries is Thursday 1st May.  Peta Whitford, Event organiser

 Coming Events. Saturday 29 March.

Map: Diamond Hill Organiser: Peter Forbes

Course Setter: Peter Forbes  Start: 12.30 pm to 2.00 pm

Comment: Diamond Hill is a wonderful area. It has many pieces of old gold mining and erosion, making it a very interesting place to wander around. The easier courses will be suitable for beginners so come along and taste the forest!

Courses: Courses 1, 2 and 3 difficult navigation, 4 moderate nav. And 5 easy.

Directions: From Bendigo: From the Fountain travel south along Mitchell Street, over the railway bridge. Continue through the traffic lights (where the street becomes Carpenter St.), through the roundabout and past the Cemetery. Ignore the Spring Gully turn off and a couple of hundred metres further on turn right into Paterson Street, then again right into Burnside Street. Look for the assembly area. From Melbourne: travel via the Calder to the centre of Bendigo, then as for Bendigo.


 Next Bulletin 2 April

Issue 09/14

The weekly e-newsletter of

Bendigo Orienteers Inc.

Issue 09/14: 19 March, 2014

 Contact (for this publication): Peter J. Creely: luddcreely@impulse.net.au (Ph. 5443 1975)

 Web site: www.bendigo-orienteers.com.au

 Important! If you don’t want to receive the bulletin, or if, at any time, you wish to discontinue receiving it, please advise me by return e-mail and your name will be taken off my list.

The Black Crow is awarded each year to the club member who is responsible for the most spectacular misadventure of the year.

New nomination. This Family (name suppressed), excited to be heading out to their first Orienteering event of the year, get to an intersection where the wife, upon seeing the right indicator, said “Oh, I thought it was in Strathfieldsaye today!” (Opposite direction!) and husband gives a chuckle “Ahh, you got mixed up!” We headed out to Janaway Rd, only to find no O signs, for an event we were 2 weeks early for, and late for the real event in STRATHFIELDSAYE – not only that, then he took wrong turns in Spring Gully, and HE’s supposed to be the expert at directions!!!! Hahahaha!!!! (he claims it to be an alternative route!). (this has to be in the running for the award – even at this early stage. Ed).

I have a couple of others from Fiddlers Green event but I’ll hold them over until next week, but if you see me at an event you could ask me about the fellow who decided to see what the map looked like underneath the clue sheet – he got a bit confused then and took a long time for his course!

JSquad. I will start the separate JSquad e-Bulletin next week.

Noticed at Fiddlers Green: Serryn, one of our elite JSquad sub juniors, sitting with Judy, an older lady and one of our more recent arrivals in the sport, comparing times and route choices for their course. Now, there’s one of the lovely things about orienteering – age doesn’t doesn’t make a lot of difference!

Victorian Secondary Schools Orienteering Championships 2014

Entries for this event are now being taken!All event information and entry forms are available on the Orienteering Victoria website

The championships are open to all secondary school students and will be held on Friday 16th May at Plenty Gorge West, Hawkstowe. Within each course there are age categories for inexperienced and experienced competitors of varying abilities and ages: All juniors planning on trying out for the Victorian State Team should attend as it is one of the two selection races held in deciding the team to compete at ASOC in WA during the September Holidays.
Deadline for entries is
Thursday 1st May.

 Peta Whitford, Event organiser

 Easter Carnival Entries. The late entry period for the Easter 2014 Carnival has commenced and closes on the 21/3/2014 this Saturday.

 Geology and Geomorphology of the Kooyoora area

This is a rare opportunity to spend a day with renowned geomorphologist, Neville Rosengren, to learn about the geological history of some of our local landforms such as Mt Korong, Kooyoora and the Sunday Morning Hills.

Neville will begin the day at the Inglewood Senior Citizens Centre with a presentation on the nature, origin and dynamics of landscapes in the local area. This will be followed by a bus tour where we will visit several sites of geological and geomorphological significance.

 Lunch and transport will be provided. Bring sunscreen, hat, sturdy walking shoes and a water bottle.

 WHEN: Sunday, April 13th, 10am—4pm WHERE:

Inglewood Senior Citizens Centre, 75 Grant St, Inglewood.

 Bookings are essential as numbers are strictly limited.

 RSVP to Kirsten Hutchison by the 1st of April.

 Ph 0459168865 kirstenh@tfn.org.au


Fiddlers Green (74 entries) Eventor or WinSplits

Mt. Baw Baw State Series 1 (111 entries) Eventor or WinSplits

Coming Events. Saturday 22 March.

Map: Sedgwick

Organiser: Catherine Creely

Course Setters: Catherine Creely

Start: 12.30 pm to 2.00 pm

Comment: Sedgwick is one of the best (the best?) spur/gully maps in the state. Catherine sets very good courses and regardless of your length of time in the sport and your fitness there will be one to suit you. The courses will use the north end of the map, the flatter end, but don’t think there won’t be any hills! (Why travel hundreds of kms when you can get your fix 15 minutes away?

Courses: Courses 1, 2 and 3 difficult navigation, 4 moderate nav. And 5 easy.

Directions: From Bendigo: Travel out through Spring Gully and onto the Mandurang Road. Continue past the Mandurang sports ground towards Sedgwick and after about 2 to 3 kms turn left into Story’s Road (O sign), and follow the O signs from there. From Melbourne: travel via the Calder to Elphingstone and exit towards Sedgwick. Continue through Sedgwick towards Bendigo and look for an O sign pointing right on Story’s Road after about 2 to 3 kms, then follow O signs.


 Next Bulletin 26 March



A great start to the Orienteering Season

A great start to the Orienteering Season with the opening course being set just North of Eaglehawk by Warwick Williams. 74 competitors of all ages and abilities from around the State turned up ready to kick off the weekly Bendigo series.

Chris Naunton has kicked off the start of the season with good form and speed, easily winning the 7.1 km Course 1 from Richard and Ben Goonan who amazingly tied in second place. This follows Chris’s state victory last weekend at Mt Baw Baw.

Youth lead the way in course 2 with Louis Cameron (first) and Lachlan Cherry (third) separated by Rob Lewis, being too fast for the more experienced Don Cherry and John Wilkinson. A fast finishing Darren Enjees couldn’t bridge the gap opened up.

Michael Loughnan continues to improve and stamp his presence in the shorter course 3, accounting for Lawrie Edward and Barry McCrae.

Reuben Cameron made a return in course 4, holding off the very slick Raelee and Serryn Eenjes. (Serryn is currently ranked number 1 in Australia for under 10 girls).

Sally Wigney performed well in course 5, tipping out Joanne Cherry.

Results can be found on our results page, were you can use Eventor or WinSplits

Andrew Cameron

Issue 08/14

The weekly e-newsletter of

Bendigo Orienteers Inc.

Issue 08/14: 5 March, 2014

Contact (for this publication): Peter J. Creely: luddcreely@impulse.net.au (Ph. 5443 1975)

Web site: www.bendigo-orienteers.com.au

 Important! If you don’t want to receive the bulletin, or if, at any time, you wish to discontinue receiving it, please advise me by return e-mail and your name will be taken off my list.

 Note that there will be no e-Bulletin next week so you will find that details of the Fiddler’s Green event are included.

 Bendigo’s event program for 2014 – fridge magnets now available – from Peter Creely at the CATI on 8 March or at Fiddlers Green.

 AGM 2014: Office Bearers and other outcomes. The BO AGM was held Tues 4 March – a good roll up of people given the circumstances (would have been good to have more there!). The new Office Bearers are: President: Jim Russell, VP: Julie Flynn, Secretary: John Wilkinson, Treasurer: Andrew Wallace. Committee: Andrew Cameron, Jenny Ball and Peter Creely.

 The Black Crow is awarded each year to the club member who is responsible for the most spectacular misadventure of the year. As an example, the BC mentioned below on Fiddlers Green (a long time ago) came about when the course setter forgot the scale of the map was 1:15,000 and estimated course lengths on a 1:10,000 scale, thus causing all courses to be 50% longer; the runners on the long course, believing they were running 6 kms actually completed 9 kms and so on down the chain. This week, the second nomination for the year:

The latest nomination: The chap who was asked to bring a copy of the Mt. Alexander map to an event for someone, and it wasn’t until he handed the map over that he found that he had actually brought along the Mt. Tarrengower map: a mountain, yes, granite, yes, but in a different place! (This year all names will be suppressed until the presentations.)

 Come to beautiful Yackandandah – Saturday 22 March Bendigo member and controller for the State Series bush orienteering event coming up on Saturday 22 March, Mark Hennessy, tells us that the Yackandandah map will be the original 1:5000 map made by Leigh Privett, with courses set by Leigh. This is a magnificent, legible gold mining map, and the terrain is as good as the best that even Bendigo has to offer. And the bush is not too thick.

Entries close this Saturday night, so get yours in. Like our Bendigo events, there are now no age classes for State Series events – so people are more free to choose the level at which they participate.

And, if you like music, the Yackandandah folk festival is on from Friday to Sunday, with top acts like Jan Preston (piano) and Kavisha Mazella, plus overseas performers. Even if you don’t buy a ticket, enjoy the ambience and the buskers, and the food tents.

Sunday’s event is on granite terrain, so if you like Kooyoora (who doesn’t?), Mt Korong or Mt Tarrengower, you will love Kangaroo Crossing at Eldorado.

See Eventor for details. Mark Hennessy

 But, an event just as important: Fiddler’s Green (and it’s closer!) (15 March) is gently undulating to very flat, with a lot of old mining detail. One of our older maps, it was created in the days when we traced the base map from contour maps obtained from (the then) State Rivers and Water Supply Commission (now Coliban Water). There was very little other detail, mostly only major roads and tracks. The area was subsequently remapped to a high standard by Chris Creely. See event details below.

I originally found the name on a very old mining map of the area. One of the many explanations of FG is that it is a legendary, supposed afterlife where there is perpetual mirth, fiddles that never stop playing and dancers that never tire, thought to be inspired by the mythical Greek Elysian Fields. It is mentioned a lot in nautical terms: nautically it is at the bottom of the ocean and sailors supposedly go there if they die through drowning at sea. Whatever, I find it all very interesting — I’ll leave it to you. It was also the scene of a very high standard  Black Crow nomination back in the day!

 Come and Try It. Please, don’t forget our CATI’s. It is important that we have enough people in attendance to ensure that any new people are well looked after. A lot of effort has gone into the preparation – course setting, publicity so let’s make an effort (don’t forget your Bendigo tops). I also look forward to our JSquad people helping to look after newcomers out in the forest – as they did last year – good training and a chance for Bendigo to show off our very talented kids (in their JSquad tops, weather permitting of course).

 Coming Events. Saturday 8 March.

Come and Try It, Day 2

Map: Guy’s Hill Road (on the eastern side of One Tree Hill)

Organiser: Peter Creely et al  Course Setters: Julie Flynn and Terry Davidson

Start: 10.00 am to 12.00 Noon

Courses: Three courses: Cse. 1 Easy; Cse 2 Moderate (both for Newcomers); Cse. 3 Difficult.If Bendigo members come out, it is expected that you give priority to assisting Newcomers before your own run. You are most welcome to have a run (I recommend Course 3) but a lot of work has been put in to allow new people to have an enjoyable experience in orienteering: please remember this and put in a bit of time for your club!

Directions: Travel out Condon Street/Strathfieldsaye Road. Approximately 2 kms past the Reservoir Hotel (Kennington Reservoir) turn right into Guy’s Hill Road (O sign). After 1.8 kms (at the end of the bush/beginning of the housing estate on the left), turn left into Brentwood Drive (O sign) and follow the O signs.

 15 March – Bendigo Bush Classic

Bendigo Orienteers’ Bush Classic series gets back underway on Saturday March 15th. Come and see why plenty of orienteers regularly travel from Melbourne and Ballarat to take part in these friendly and high quality bush events. The opening event is on the Fiddlers Green map, a fast open map with subtle contour detail and a scatter of gold mining detail. This is a map where many will run faster than they can navigate. Start times are from 12.30 to 2 pm. Enter on the day.

Course setter Warwick Williams.

Courses: 1 7.1 km hard, 2 5.1 km hard, 3 3.2 km hard, 4 2.9 km moderate, 5 2.3 km easy

Directions:Travel to Bendigo and then out to Eaglehawk. From the traffic lights in the middle of Eaglehawk continue north west and take the second right onto the road towards Mitiamo andPyramid Hill (C336). Follow the C336 for 4.7 kilometres, then turn right into Janaway Road and look for orienteering signs.


 Next Bulletin 12 March

Issue 07/14

The weekly e-newsletter of

Bendigo Orienteers Inc.

Issue 07/14: 26 February, 2014

Contact (for this publication): Peter J. Creely: luddcreely@impulse.net.au (Ph. 5443 1975)

Web site: www.bendigo-orienteers.com.au

 Important! If you don’t want to receive the bulletin, or if, at any time, you wish to discontinue receiving it, please advise me by return e-mail and your name will be taken off my list.

Reward points. How about we bring in a rewards system where people earn points for things they do for the club. Thus you could earn X points for course setting an event, or Y points for helping out at our CATI’s and so on. These points could then be put towards cancelling out any Black Crow nominations you may receive. What do you think? JMT.

 SS1 Mt. Baw Baw 9 March. (repeat): Entries are now open via Eventor. Normal entries close midnight 1st March 2014.

 A Big Weekend (repeat) of orienteering in NE Victoria is coming up on 22-23 March.Saturday on Rowdy Flat at Yackandandah. Courses set for this event are set by the original mapper.  And Sunday back to Kangaroo Crossing near Eldorado.
Both events are National Orienteering League events (and Sunday is a World Ranking Event) so the best Australian orienteers will be there. But careful note has been taken by the course setters of the needs of the younger and older competitors.  There will be good orienteering for everyone

The Closing Date is approaching fast: 8th March. (We need this earlier-than-usual date to organise things for the NOL and WRE so we’re hoping that everyone else can also get organised early!). Entries via Eventor, Saturday or Sunday There will be only limited opportunities for entering on the day, so please plan ahead and do your entries online.

 Fiddler’s Green (15 March) is gently undulating to very flat, with a lot of old mining detail. One of our older maps, it was created in the days when we traced the base map from contour maps obtained from (the then) State Rivers and Water Supply Commission (now Coliban Water). There was very little other detail, mostly only major roads and tracks. The area was subsequently remapped to a high standard by Chris Creely.

I originally found the name on a very old mining map of the area. One of the many explanations of FG is that it is a legendary, supposed afterlife where there is perpetual mirth, fiddles that never stop playing and dancers that never tire, thought to be inspired by the mythical Greek Elysian Fields. It is mentioned a lot in nautical terms: nautically it is at the bottom of the ocean and sailors supposedly go there if they die through drowning at sea. Whatever, I find it all very interesting — I’ll leave it to you. It was also the scene of a very high standard  Black Crow nomination back in the day!

 Come and Try It. Please, don’t forget our CATI’s. It is important that we have enough people in attendance to ensure that any new people are well looked after. A lot of effort has gone into the preparation – course setting, publicity so let’s make an effort (don’t forget your Bendigo tops). I also look forward to our JSquad people helping to look after newcomers out in the forest – as they did last year – good training and a chance for Bendigo to show off our very talented kids (in their JSquad tops, weather permitting of course).

 AGM. Tuesday 4 March. Athletic Centre (LUBAC), Retreat Road Flora Hill at 7.30 pm. You will receive more info on this in the very near future (if you haven’t already).

 Coming Events. Saturday 1 March.

Come and Try It, Day 1

Map: Guy’s Hill Road (on the eastern side of One Tree Hill)

Organiser: Peter Creely et al

Course Setters: Julie Flynn and Terry Davidson

Start: 10.00 am to 12.00 Noon

Courses: Three courses: Cse. 1 Easy; Cse 2 Moderate (both for Newcomers); Cse. 3 Difficult.

If Bendigo members come out, it is expected that you give priority to assisting Newcomers before your own run. You are most welcome to have a run (I recommend Course 3) but a lot of work has been put in to allow new people to have an enjoyable experience in orienteering: please remember this and put in a bit of time for your club!

Directions: Travel out Condon Street/Strathfieldsaye Road. Approximately 2 kms past the Reservoir Hotel (Kennington Reservoir) turn right into Guy’s Hill Road (O sign). After 1.8 kms (at the end of the bush/beginning of the housing estate on the left), turn left into Brentwood Drive (O sign) and follow the O signs.

 Preliminary notice

15 March – Bendigo Bush Classic

Bendigo Orienteers’ Bush Classic series gets back underway on Saturday March 15th. Come and see why plenty of orienteers regularly travel from Melbourne and Ballarat to take part in these friendly and high quality bush events. The opening event is on the Fiddlers Green map, a fast open map with subtle contour detail and a scatter of gold mining detail. This is a map where many will run faster than they can navigate. Start times are from 12.30 to 2 pm. Enter on the day.

Course setter Warwick Williams.

Courses:1, 7.1 km hard 2, 5.1 km hard3, 3.2 km hard 4, 2.9 km moderate5, 2.3 km easy

Directions:Travel to Bendigo and then out to Eaglehawk. From the traffic lights in the middle of Eaglehawk continue north west and take the second right onto the road towards Mitiamo andPyramid Hill (C336). Follow the C336 for 4.7 kilometres, then turn right into Janaway Road and look for orienteering signs.


 Next Bulletin 5 March

Issue 06/14

 The weekly e-newsletter of

Bendigo Orienteers Inc.

Issue 06/14: 19 February, 2014

Contact (for this publication): Peter J. Creely: luddcreely@impulse.net.au (Ph. 5443 1975)

Web site: www.bendigo-orienteers.com.au

 Important! If you don’t want to receive the bulletin, or if, at any time, you wish to discontinue receiving it, please advise me by return e-mail and your name will be taken off my list.

 Black Crow! It may not be the first for the year but I believe that it could be a first for our JSquad. A very experienced and talented Junior took off in the first session of the ToDay last Saturday and was immediately in all sorts of bother. Could not relate the map to the terrain or get into gear at all! Then all became clear. The map had two sides and he was looking at the wrong side. Well done, another one for the experience bank!

(All BC’s will remain anonymous this year until the presentations.)

 Results2014 BendiGo “Getting into Autumn” ToDay


Todd Neve

Melbourne Forest Racers




Matt Doyle

Central Highlands Orienteering




Bruce Arthur

Melbourne Forest Racers




Patrick Jaffe

Melbourne Forest Racers




Craig Feuerherdt

Bendigo Orienteers




David Brownridge

Bendigo Orienteers




James Robertson

Bendigo Orienteers




Simon Rouse

Dandenong Ranges Orienteering




Blair Trewin

Yarra Valley Orienteering Club




Geoff Lawford

Eureka Orienteers




Richard Goonan

Bendigo Orienteers




Ben Goonan

Bendigo Orienteers




Chris Norwood

Eureka Orienteers




Laurina Neumann

Bendigo Orienteers




Lanita Steer

Dandenong Ranges Orienteering




Peter Hobbs

Dandenong Ranges Orienteering




Asha Steer

Dandenong Ranges Orienteering




Ted van Geldermalsen

Yarra Valley Orienteering Club




Clare Brownridge

Bendigo Orienteers




Martin Steer

Dandenong Ranges Orienteering




Clare Baker

Melbourne Forest Racers




Lachlan Cherry

Bendigo Orienteers




Hans Egefalk

No club membership




Jenny Casanova

Wallaringa Orienteering Club



B. 2.6 & 5.9k

5 875 m, 33 starting competitors







Jenny Bourne

Eureka Orienteers




Nigel McGuckian

Bendigo Orienteers




Warwick Williams

Bendigo Orienteers




Sandra Juras

OL Görlitz




Neil Barr

Bendigo Orienteers




Tony Radford

Tintookies Orienteers




Don Cherry

Bendigo Orienteers




David Jaffe

Melbourne Forest Racers




Tavish Eenjes

Bendigo Orienteers




Janine Steer

Dandenong Ranges Orienteering




Sue Key

Melbourne Forest Racers




Louise Hall

Bendigo Orienteers




Darren Eenjes

Bendigo Orienteers




Charles Brownridge

Bendigo Orienteers




Margi Freemantle

Yarra Valley Orienteering Club




Andrew Wallace

Bendigo Orienteers



C. 2.0 & 4.0k

3 950 m, 9 starting competitors







Mason Arthur

Melbourne Forest Racers




Torren Arthur

Melbourne Forest Racers




Jason Carter

Bendigo Orienteers




Dianne Searle

Bendigo Orienteers




SS1 Mt. Baw Baw: Entries are now open via Eventor. Normal entries close midnight 1st March 2014. 

A Big Weekend of orienteering in NE Victoria is coming up on 22-23 March.
Saturday on Rowdy Flat at Yackandandah. Courses set for this event are set by the original mapper.
  And Sunday back to Kangaroo Crossing near Eldorado
Both events are National Orienteering League events (and Sunday is a World Ranking Event) so the best Australian orienteers will be there. But careful note has been taken by the course setters of the needs of the younger and older competitors.  There will be good orienteering for everyone!

The Closing Date is approaching fast: 8th March. (We need this earlier-than-usual date to organise things for the NOL and WRE so we’re hoping that everyone else can also get organised early!). Entries via Eventor. There will be only limited opportunities for entering on the day, so please plan ahead and do your entries online. 

Come and Try It. As advised last week, we will be running two CATI events on Saturday 1st. and Saturday 8th. March. They will be held on Terry Davidson’s new Guy’s Hill Road map. Julie Flynn is setting two Newcomer courses and Terry is setting one longer, more challenging course.

Everyone is welcome to have a run but I would like the primary thrust to be helping out and talking to people about orienteering. I also look forward to our JSquad people helping to look after newcomers out in the forest – as they did last year – good training and a chance for Bendigo to show off our very relented kids (in their JSquad tops, of course weather permitting).

Centre (LUBAC), Retreat Road Flora Hill. More details later. 

Coming Events. Saturday 1 March.

Come and Try It, Day 1

Map: Guy’s Hill Road (on the eastern side of One Tree Hill)

Organiser: Peter Creely et al

Course Setters: Julie Flynn and Terry Davidson

Start: 10.00 am to 12.00 Noon

Courses: Three courses: Cse. 1 Easy; Cse 2 Moderate (both for Newcomers); Cse. 3 Difficult.

If Bendigo members come out, it is expected that you give priority to assisting Newcomers before your own run. You are most welcome to have a run (I recommend Course 3) but a lot of work has been put in to allow new people to have an enjoyable experience in orienteering: please remember this and put in a bit of time for your club!

Directions: Travel out Condon Street/Strathfieldsaye Road. Approximately 2 kms past the Reservoir Hotel (Kennington Reservoir) turn right into Guy’s Hill Road (O sign). After 1.8 kms (at the end of the bush/beginning of the housing estate on the left), turn left into Brentwood Drive (O sign) and follow the O signs.


Next Bulletin 26 February

Issue 05/14

The weekly e-newsletter of

Bendigo Orienteers Inc.

Issue 05/14: 12 February, 2014

Contact (for this publication): Peter J. Creely: luddcreely@impulse.net.au (Ph. 5443 1975)

Web site: www.bendigo-orienteers.com.au

 Important! If you don’t want to receive the bulletin, or if, at any time, you wish to discontinue receiving it, please advise me by return e-mail and your name will be taken off my list.

 Sadly, we had to again cancel (postpone?) the C&C! I suppose we should count ourselves lucky that that’s the only inconvenience we have to shoulder at this time in Vic! I am still fiddling around trying to find a date that fits in with everything else. When (and if) we reschedule you will all be notified.

 Sprint The Bay (New Zealand). Bendigo’s Jim Russell (M50) was undefeated in the 6 events of this important NZ event that took place on rough, hilly maps. Well done Jim. See full results, splits and maps on the STB website:  http://www.sprintthebay.org/results/2014/main.html

Come and Try It. We will be running two CATI events on Saturday 1st. and Saturday 8th. March. They will be held on Terry Davidson’s new Guy’s Hill Road map. This is a nice little bundle of spur/gully and some old mining terrain on the east side of our One Tree Hill map. Julie Flynn is setting two Newcomer courses and Terry is setting one longer, more challenging course. Everyone is welcome to have a run but I would like the primary thrust to be helping out with people. However, I would like to ask club members to come out and help talk to people about orienteering. Also, last year some of our JSquad people came out and helped look after newcomers out in the forest – they would be most welcome again this year. Full details will be in next week’s e-Bulletin.

 Space Racing Update. SR’ing will be on again in 2014, starting late April. Having talked to some parents, I am looking at making it more ‘user friendly’ and fun for the kids. Also, I am picking the brains of a professional re promotion and looking at ways of putting the word around other than dealing directly with schools. Space Racing has a tremendous potential for attracting kids to orienteering (and there’s not much of that around in our sport at the moment) so it would be good if it could get some support when the time comes. You will be kept up to date.

 Permanent courses.There are 2 currently around Bendigo. If anyone wants to help in their up keep, please let us know.” Any takers? There are many advantages in having a Permanent Course on our doorstep – training, demonstrating our sport, taking friends out, picking up a bit of revenue. Anyone want to talk about it further?

 AGM: the AGM, will be held on Tuesday 4 March at Latrobe University Bendigo Athletic Centre (LUBAC), Retreat Road Flora Hill. More details later.

 Coming Events.

2014 BendiGo “Getting into Autumn” ToDay
Dates: Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th February
Format: Saturday, Sprint,
Map: Latrobe Uni – Bendigo
Scale: 1:4,000, 5m contours
Start times: 6.30pm-7.00pm, 1 min start interval
Courses close 7.30pm

Format: Sunday, Hagaby,
Map: One Tree Hill (Uses same assembly area as Saturday)
Scale: 1:10,000, 5m contours
Start time: 8.00am, mass start
Courses close 10.00am
More Info: http://www.bendigo-orienteers.com.au
Enter Online: Use Eventor Both Days  http://eventor.orienteering.asn.au/Events/Show/1406
Normal Entries close, 12th Feb, 2014
Course 1 & 2, Saturday only, $8, Sunday only, $10, both days $16
Course 3, Saturday only, $6, Sunday only, $8, both days $12

Directions: From the centre of Bendigo (Shamrock Hotel) travel south east on Williamson Street. You will go through one set of traffic lights, cross the railway line, cross the creek and come to a large roundabout. Continue roughly SE and follow signs towards Strathfieldsaye. Approx. a kilometre on from the roundabout you will come to the Edwards Rd. traffic lights (Strath Village and signs to Latrobe Uni). Turn right into Edwards Road and continue to Latrobe University. Go through the roundabout and look for O signs on the right. From Melbourne/Castlemaine travel to Bendigo and then as above.


 Next Bulletin 19 February

Issue 04/14

The weekly e-newsletter of

Bendigo Orienteers Inc.

Issue 04/14: 5 February, 2014

Contact (for this publication): Peter J. Creely: luddcreely@impulse.net.au (Ph. 5443 1975)

Web site: www.bendigo-orienteers.com.au

 Important! If you don’t want to receive the bulletin, or if, at any time, you wish to discontinue receiving it, please advise me by return e-mail and your name will be taken off my list.

Possible CANCELLATION of Breakfast event again!

We cancelled the Breakfast event for the 2 Feb and rescheduled it for the 9th February, same time and place. Note that a Day of Total Fire Ban in the Northern Country Region will again cancel the event, and as I write this the forecast isn’t looking very good for that weekend. Please check the weather forecast closer to the time. Depending on how much notice we get I will try and get a bulletin out.

 From the VOA e-News: Silva have launched a new compass. “The new compasses’ characteristics include increased transparency, a better thumb grip and a smaller capsule that reduces the risk of bubbles. One of the models also has turnable housing, something that Silva identified as being desired by the target group. Silva is also launching an updated magnifier that is compatible with both left-hand and right-hand models.”

 From Jim: 4: In the minutes, there is a discussion about Permanent courses. There are 2 currently around Bendigo. If anyone wants to help in their up keep, please let us know. We would also like ideas from you if we should have another permanent course, maybe a MOBO format, or Hittaut type from Sweden.

 Inov-8’s (O shoes) are currently being stocked in Bendigo by Sports Co, you will get a discount if you mention the Club. They don’t stock Talon 212’s, but will get them in for you. Saying, that, there is a pair of 212’s there at the moment, too small for me, but they may fit you.

 A request: From our Secretary: ‘Ben Goonan, one of our members, has received this request concerning pine trees on Mount Alexander and has asked me to forward it to all our members. Mount Alexander is an area that we have orienteered on for many years and was also the site of Day 2 of Easter in 2013.Please think about his request and get in touch with him if you may be able to help or if you would like more details.

Ben’s email is bengoonan@hotmail.com

 I have been asked by the Landcare facilitator for the Mount Alexander shire if any Bendigo Orienteers would be interested in volunteering some time to help map Pine trees on Mt Alexander. The shire has a project removing Pine trees and need some more information about where they are. They held an event last year that 60 people attended for a weekend cutting out Pine trees. The organiser thought of asking orienteers because we are fit (some of us! Ed.) and can navigate? They have offered a free barbeque lunch as an incentive. Dates and other details are yet to be finalised but possibly some time in March so this is a call for expressions on interest. Anybody interested, or who wants to know more, can contact me.

From Ben Goonan

 AGM: the AGM, will now be held on Tuesday 4 March at Latrobe University Bendigo Athletic Centre (LUBAC), Retreat Road Flora Hill. More details later.

 Easter 2014. From Orienteering Australia e-News. The Easter Carnival happens in NSW this year, taking place from 18 April to 26 April, taking in the best of Lithgow terrain, including the beautiful area ‘Gardens of Stone’. As well as top quality competition there are also other challenges to undertaken – the Hist’o’ry O challenge, the Selfies Challenge and for M21AS, the return of ‘The Sledge’.

Easter Carnival 2014 – Standard entries open to 14th March

Coming Events.Sunday 9 February, 2014. Chicken and Champagne Breakfast event.

Map: Kangaroo Gully
Start times: Assembly at 7.00 am for a 7.30 mass start

Course Setter: Chris Creely
Comments: This will be a one hour Score format. The terrain is spur/gully with erosion and old mining, and a good track network. I have been assured that the course will not be too technical so come out and enjoy Bendigo bush on what is sure to be a beautiful summer morning (let’s hope not too warm!). Anyone coming along will have to visit at least three controls to be eligible for breakfast! There will be plenty of orange juice and water as well as champagne.

Bring a chair for the meeting.

Entry: On the day.
Directions from Bendigo: travel out Carpenter Street and swing left onto Spring Gully Rd. just past the cemetery. Continue for about 1 km and turn right into Burns Street. Continue to where Burns St. tee intersects with Diamond Hill Road and turn left. Continue on DH Rd. to the tee intersection with Kangaroo Gully Road and turn left. Look for start after approx. 400 metres. We have used this start area a lot; it’s got good parking and easy to get to.

 Preliminary notice

2014 BendiGo “Getting into Autumn” ToDay
Dates: Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th February
Format: Saturday, Sprint,
Map: Latrobe Uni – Bendigo
Scale: 1:4,000, 5m contours
Start times: 6.30pm-7.00pm, 1 min start interval
Courses close 7.30pm

Format: Sunday, Hagaby,
Map: One Tree Hill (Uses same assembly area as Saturday)
Scale: 1:10,000, 5m contours
Start time: 8.00am, mass start
Courses close 10.00am
More Info: http://www.bendigo-orienteers.com.au
Enter Online: Use Eventor Both Days http://eventor.orienteering.asn.au/Events/Show/1406
Normal Entries close, 12th Feb, 2014
Course 1 & 2, Saturday only, $8, Sunday only, $10, both days $16
Course 3, Saturday only, $6, Sunday only, $8, both days $12

Directions: From the centre of Bendigo (Shamrock Hotel) travel south east on Williamson Street. You will go through one set of traffic lights, cross the railway line, cross the creek and come to a large roundabout. Continue roughly SE and follow signs towards Strathfieldsaye. Approx. a kilometre on from the roundabout you will come to the Edwards Rd. traffic lights (Strath Village and signs to Latrobe Uni). Turn right into Edwards Road and continue to Latrobe University. Go through the roundabout and look for O signs on the right. From Melbourne/Castlemaine travel to Bendigo and then as above.


 Next Bulletin 12 February