Eventor entries close at midnight Thursday 3rd August.
Enter on the day is available, subject to map availability.
Assembly area: At the corner of Mohair Rd and Jacko Track, Lockwood.
Start between 10 am and 1 pm. All courses close at 3 pm.
Nine courses available, from 15.5 km to 2.0 km.
Lockwood Ranges is a newly mapped area on the south-west side of Bendigo. The south of the map is steep spur gully, and the north very gentle terrain, in parts almost flat with a Mallee-like forest. In the flatter areas controls are generally placed on scattered surface mining features, watercourses and clearings. Accurate compass work will be required. The longer courses head into the steeper hill country where orienteers will face a 2.5 km route choice leg.
For further details go to https://eventor.orienteering.asn.au/Events/Show/4770
Andrew Wallace