• Bendigo Orienteers would like to acknowledge and pay respects to the traditional owners, the Dja Dja Wurrung people, whose country we are on and extend our respect to their Elders, both past and present.

Issue 44/14

The weekly e-newsletter of

Bendigo Orienteers Inc.

Special 10 December, 2014

Contact (for this publication): Peter J. Creely: luddcreely@impulse.net.au (Ph. 5443 1975)

Web site: www.bendigo-orienteers.com.au

If you wish to unsubscribe from this bulletin, please click the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of this email. If you would like this Bulletin to be emailed directly to you, please email bendigo.orienteers@gmail.com.

Warm Up for Tassie Enter HERE

They say that not enough sunlight in winter can cause a shortage of vitamin D and lead to depression ….

But it’s certain is that not enough orienteering in summer leads to depression!

We’re going to help you through those long bleak orienteering-free summer days. Whether you are heading to the World Cup carnival in Tasmania or not, make sure that you come to the Warm-Up for Tassie events. All the pleasure of orienteering in the bush, served up in chunks that won’t melt you down if it’s hot.

Evening 26th December Green Gully gold mining sprint

Morning 27th December Mt Beckworth granite middle distance

Morning 28th December Mt Tarrengower granite middle distance


SHOES for sale, contact Ben Goonan bengoonan at hotmail dot com

I recently purchased a pair of the new standard fit Inov-8 X-Talon 212’s (the shoe of champions) that are just a bit too small. If you would like them they are for sale (unused). They are size 8.5 (UK) and $125.00 (no delivery fee). If you are interested please contact me asap via email to make arrangements.

Follow these links to find out all the tech specifications and see sizing guide

“The most popular off road shoe in the inov-8 range and the winner of more world championships than any other off roader, the 212 continues to deliver!”

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